
3rd job branch for explorer archer

Every explorer job class has 3 branches, except for archers. Pirates technically have 4 because of Jetts.

Anyways, knowing that archers are known for using bows and crossbows (and merc using bowguns), and if Nexon were to make a 3rd branch, what do you think the class will use as a weapon?
What do you think the class will be called?
What kind of skills would it have?

April 3, 2015

16 Comments • Newest first


Palutena Bow/Silver Bow from Kid Icarus Uprising, secondary weapon would be the halos. It would be a hybrid class, Warrior and Bowman, also an even balance of strength and dexterity.
It should have a bow mode and dual sword mode, one for long range, another for close range. I can't really think of many skills right now, but looking at Smash 4, it should be able to use Power of Flight while in bow mode, so you can fly around and shoot stuff, and use Guardian Orbitars while in dual sword mode for double defense, damage reduction and more HP since it's more close ranged. The hyper attack would be the Three Sacred Treasures, a frenzy of arrows and projectiles and stuff shooting all over the place.
I think it would have a mobbing skill like Phantom's Mille Aiguilles or Jett's Backup Beatdown while in dual sword mode, another skill with a mix of Hayato's Surging Blade and DB's Bloody Storm so you can move around and slash the crap out of everything, another skill similar to Mercedes' Rolling Moonsault because it does look like Pit's side special move from Brawl called Angel Ring, and... not really much you can do while in bow mode. I guess while being able to fly, you should also be able to aim where to shoot with the mouse cursor, kind of like Phantom's Skill Swipe thing.
Bow mode for bossing and dual sword mode for training, I guess? And yeah, it should have a thunder/lightning bird, maybe even Phosphora as a summon to assist.

Reply April 3, 2015

blow darts

Reply April 3, 2015

[quote=Nfeeble]Here's what Nexon needs to do. According to me, of course, the most reputable and knowledgeable opinion on this forum. I'm kidding, but here we go:

-Add 3 different job paths for all of the Explorers. (Which happens to be only the Archers as mentioned by the op.)
-Finish the Sengoku and Nova classes. Meaning, a pirate Sengoku and a magician Nova, etc.
-Make the rest of the Cygnus Knight instructors playable classes like they did with Mihile.
-Remove Jetts and either the Demon Avenger or Slayer for the sake of consistency.
-Rework a lot of the plot/story to all of the Hero classes. Specifically, Luminous and Shade.

Bam! Ship it and sell it! And then STOP MAKING MORE CLASSES. Like, forever. Please?

All of that is assuming this is their eventual plan considering Nexon pretty much just made Shades to make pirate loyalists happy.[/quote]

i agree with everything except for class removal

Reply April 3, 2015

@Lecarde Well, Athena Pierce probably isn't gonna teach her students to use a rifle. So it could be detached skill-wise from explorer bowmen (kinda how like dual blades/cannoneers have different character creation stories but are still explorers), but I don't mean I wanted a cross between Ayame and Kanna.

Reply April 3, 2015

Something like Vayne from LoL? low range, but high damage?

Reply April 3, 2015

Bowsword class, that uses melee and ranged skills.

Reply April 3, 2015

Could always go with the theme of the heavy gunner, but that would be kind of mimicing mechanics

Reply April 3, 2015

Dat gunsword class though?

Reply April 3, 2015

@DrZin: So you want Ayame crossed with Kanna, got it. But that sounds more like a sengoku class than an explorer class

I would like to see another hybrid class like Xenons were. A class that can use a special type of bow which can adapt for close or far range combat. Obviously, being an archer class, his long range attacks would be better than his short range attacks. I would also like him to have that minimum distance between the character and mob to use a skill that archers and thieves had preBB. This would force him to be creative and choose whether to use short range attacks or move around so he can use long range attacks.

Reply April 3, 2015

I've always had the idea of a rifle-welding "bowman" to go along with the woodsman theme. It would use the same weapon as ayame if it ever becomes a class. The class progression would be like tracker>rifleman>sharpshooter. For skills, I dunno, but it has to have a haku-like dog buddy following them around.

Reply April 3, 2015

They would use longbows, have electric elemental skills, including a Thunderbird summon. (Cause the other two have Phoenix and Freezer)
Their titles could be Longbowman > Soldier > Sentinel

I have thought about this a lot, for many years.

Reply April 3, 2015

@Dupants: My basil ID was made when I was 10. You are just jealous of my character names.

Reply April 3, 2015

Slingshots maybe?
What I'm really hoping for are catapults, but then it would be really clunky

Reply April 3, 2015

They would use darts.

Reply April 3, 2015

[quote=MrSinDeath19]No one cares. One bow class was more than enough.[/quote]
The point of this thread was creativity and using your imagination. I can tell you lack it based on your basil ID. Thanks for commenting tho

Reply April 3, 2015

No one cares. One bow class was more than enough.

Reply April 3, 2015