


P2w, the nature of beceoming Funding/Wealthy, and Respect Let me begin by saying that this thread was not meant to start a flame war nor was it meant to make shots at any individuals. Furthermore, I don't intend to preach my own thoughts, I simply want to hear the community's opinions on the matter in a civil manner. These types of discussions tend to decay to name calling and personal insults rather quickly,which is why I point this out right now. Traditionally, wealth is generated by activities in the game, whether that be hunting monsters, looting drops, completing quests for rewards, etc. However Nexon has provided players a way to legitimately convert real currency into in game value by purchasing NX. The game itself does not distingui


Violet cubes and probability Aside from the controversial effect of these cubes in terms of the game, I think we have to do the math to really appreciate just how game changing these cubes are. EDIT: the above link is incorrect, here are the correct calculations, TL;DR 1 violet cube = 20 red cubes when cubing for 3 lines 1 violet cubes = 15 red cubes when cubing for 2 lines EDIT: I have been informed that I have made an error in the calculation, long story short, for 3 lines 1 violet = 15-18 reds. for 2 lines 1 violet = 11-13 reds

General Firepoisonarchmage

The %pdr Ignore Issue I've been looking to challenge cvellum lately, but it seems like I've been having some issues with its insane PDR. I am aware of the fact that vellum has an insane amount of defence and that its usually suggested to have a 90%+ effective %PDR ignore before trying to fight him, but I an rather confused on how to get any more % PDR ignore at this point. I have 1 line of 40% ignore on my emblem, maxed ambition, and lumi link skill, but I'm stuck at 82%. Do F/P's in particular need 2 lines of PDR ignore? Cause if I had known that I wouldn't have cubed through that 12%matk, 35% ignore, 30% ignore on my staff :|.


Magnus raining meteors kick after 25% hp I didn't have this problem when I fought magnus without my drop mules, but after I brought 2 drop mules in, magnus starts raining meteors which are impossible to dodge and kicks me after I die/revive as soon as he reacheds 25%. I have feeling it might have to do with the fact my drop mules are afk dead in the corner. Is there some restriction on magnus I'm not aware of? Do I have to revive/move my mules every once in a while? EDIT: I went in and tested it a couple more times, I don't notice magnus freezing at all before the meteors start raining, it just kind of happens all of a sudden. This always occurs sometime within phase 3 for some reason. EDIT 2: Ok I'm certain it has nothing to do with the mu

General Firepoisonarchmage

Tips for magnus? Eventually, I plan to be able to solo magnus hard mode, so I figured I'd practice one normal mode for a bit. I've been having some real trouble trying to avoid magnus' rush attack, in easy mode it barely pushed me, but in normal(and hard I assume) mode I get knocked back incredibly far and temporarily stunned when magnus rushes me. My stance doesn't seem to be doing anything at all and I haven't found a way to avoid the rush while attacking from a safe distance. Could anyone possibly spare some advice on killing magnus with this class?

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