

duriel123 #Firepoisonarchmage Talk

General Firepoisonarchmage

Just how powerful is Mist Eruption? Mist Eruption is basically f/p's mages trademark skill, famous for doing a massive amount of damage in a single erupt. So for the past 50 levels or so, I've been wondering just how much dps ME adds to my damage. I've been trying to calculate how much damage using paralyse + mist eruption combos do compared to just purely spamming paralyse. I havn't really been able to get a good estimate of the damage mist eruption does and how much time is needed to set it up, not to mention the DoT effects on your dps that result from the proccess of setting up mist eruption. So assuming that you are not hitting damage cap with ME, how much more % dps does ME add to your damage? Also, I would like to know personally if

General Firepoisonarchmage

The %pdr Ignore Issue I've been looking to challenge cvellum lately, but it seems like I've been having some issues with its insane PDR. I am aware of the fact that vellum has an insane amount of defence and that its usually suggested to have a 90%+ effective %PDR ignore before trying to fight him, but I an rather confused on how to get any more % PDR ignore at this point. I have 1 line of 40% ignore on my emblem, maxed ambition, and lumi link skill, but I'm stuck at 82%. Do F/P's in particular need 2 lines of PDR ignore? Cause if I had known that I wouldn't have cubed through that 12%matk, 35% ignore, 30% ignore on my staff :|.

General Firepoisonarchmage

Tips for magnus? Eventually, I plan to be able to solo magnus hard mode, so I figured I'd practice one normal mode for a bit. I've been having some real trouble trying to avoid magnus' rush attack, in easy mode it barely pushed me, but in normal(and hard I assume) mode I get knocked back incredibly far and temporarily stunned when magnus rushes me. My stance doesn't seem to be doing anything at all and I haven't found a way to avoid the rush while attacking from a safe distance. Could anyone possibly spare some advice on killing magnus with this class?