
That one armor buff used by bosses

What is it supposed to do? It's blue, looks like torso armor, and appears over the head of bosses.

There's like no list of boss/monster buffs out there or anything, the only reason why I know what most of them do is because of how their names occasionally come up, the images used to represent them, and because of well, playing the game.

I can't even think of anything to call it other than "That armor buff" it doesn't have a name that rings a bell like "Damage Reflect" or "Cancel Weapon Attack" or anything I've heard of.

July 18, 2014

4 Comments • Newest first


I see...

...anyone know if there's a common name for it?

Reply July 19, 2014

While that buff is active, only critical hits/lines register as damage dealt; a non-critical hit/line is shown as "miss".

Reply July 18, 2014

basically it's like you are blind but only for the one enemy

Reply July 18, 2014

makes you miss more it gives them avoidance

Reply July 18, 2014