

bypass cooldown? anyone else?

so i am looking around on the internet and it says that with 5th job and sw knife, attack speed and buff duration arent that great. people recommend boss, attack, and one rare post : bypass cooldown. am i the only one that also has this inner? should i go back to boss damage? i really like the sometimes instant cooldown of final cut, sudden raid, my ab link skill...

July 7, 2017

3 Comments • Newest first


@wolfexe: use a MP Green potion and you should notice the attack speed increase.

On my NL I need the MP Green potion too. I use this mainly on bosses or when I'm training/farming nodestones. After reaching max speed attack the reaction time is so much faster, so much more flexible.

@epikkhighh I don't think it's really worth it. Sure it's nice to be able to cast your skills once the cooldown bypass activates.

Boss attack, Attack Speed should be better. Or try to get Attack Skill Target Increase +1, this ability works on skills that is able to hit more than one target.

In 5th job your Phantom Blow skill gets +1 target hit, turning it into a multi hit skill, so because of this change the ability with the same effect should increase it to 3 targets.

I have this ability on my Kanna and it works with Vanquisher's Charm, after adding the Hyper Skill for it.

I see nobody talk about this. This ability should be really nice at dojo and bosses, being able to hit multiple targets with your bossing skill.

I wished NL would get something better when reaching level 20 on their Boost Nodes... NL gets critical rate increase on single target or target hit +1 on mobbing skills, which is pretty bad.

Reply July 8, 2017 - edited

On a semi related note, I have +1 atk speed IA on my DB. Does that actually do anything? fafnir weapons

Reply July 8, 2017 - edited

That hyper isn't really worth having especially since it doesn't apply to asura and 5th job skill.

Reply July 8, 2017 - edited