

fengx1998 #Dualblade Talk

General Dualblade

Empress Gear worth getting for Dual Blade? OK so ATM I have these items -26 ATK RAC MASK -26 ATK SCG -7 ATK 4%Luck RavenHorn Hat -6%luk Top -3%luk Bottom -163atk VIP Dagger(3l but dirt pot) -Planning to buy a clean Blossom Katara and using 20%Clean Slates and 20% 1Hand Weapon scrolls -7%luk Belt -4%luk Shoes D: -5 ATK Pac with 5%luk -and a really stupid +50LUK HTP(egged once lol) Now with all that gear said will a Emp gear improve my range or should I stick with getting a 15%luk top/bottom?

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