So uh. What Champion can carry by itself in ranked soloq LoL

I'm tired of relying on other teammates to carry.
(I main jungle)

October 5, 2014

31 Comments • Newest first


[quote=lulwhat]Rammus is probably the best jungle pick right now, he has a 60% win rate in diamond as of now, and I ban him every game because he's broken as hell.

Nidalee top is still pretty strong, and you can split with tp all day long.

Corki, Lucian, and Tristana are strong picks,

Akali is probably good in your elo, since nobody knows how to play against her.[/quote] Rammus might carry in Diamond/Plat Elo but this is Silver. It's sort of like saying Janna has a high winrate as a support in higher elo but there is no way she can carry a silver Adc. In Silver just go for Junglers like Khazix. Adc:Cait, Lucian, Tristana, Corki, Vayne (if you have the mechanics.).
Top Nid is strong.
Mid:Syndra, Annie, Fizz.

Reply October 10, 2014

Rammus is probably the best jungle pick right now, he has a 60% win rate in diamond as of now, and I ban him every game because he's broken as hell.

Nidalee top is still pretty strong, and you can split with tp all day long.

Corki, Lucian, and Tristana are strong picks,

Akali is probably good in your elo, since nobody knows how to play against her.

Reply October 10, 2014

Idk about Udyr, but I can definitely try to master Xin Zhao
Yupp. Gotta try this in a norm.
Rammus looks like a lot of fun, but he seems more of a tank than carry.

Reply October 9, 2014

I would recommend rammus for lower elos. Nightblue3 said this himself on his stream and because he currently has 58% win rate, but then again, you should learn how to play him first, and only play a champion you are comfortable with.

Reply October 7, 2014

@Floral: If you like Q evolve that much, try E Q W and farm till 6 instead of gank. It should work out if you get a successful gank.

Reply October 6, 2014

@Genji I find Fid being easy to die with, rather than killing[/quote]

u just have to take advantage of e's range and just harass with him often.

Reply October 6, 2014

[quote=FinalFreedom]You can win with anyone if you're good enough.[/quote]

How do you win in lane against lucian? He always seem to out trade me every single time b/c of his passive even if he misses w or q.

Reply October 6, 2014 - edited

You can win with anyone if you're good enough.

Reply October 5, 2014 - edited

Udyr and Win Zhao

Reply October 5, 2014 - edited

I suggest you start practicing mid katarina. Even if youre only decent at her you can murder the other team single handedly.
As jungle, you can only do so much when all of your lanes start losing, especially in silver.

Reply October 5, 2014 - edited

ww, vi, yi that's all you need

Reply October 5, 2014 - edited

YI is super easy to carry with.
IF not, udyr is a somewhat tough jungler, but it's easy to get kills with him

Reply October 5, 2014 - edited

Just play WW like @qwesda87 said. He's broken.
Volibear is actually hidden OP, i've got over 30 games with him and a 74% win rate when i was in d1. He's actually less effective in lower elos, but you can still carry with him.

Reply October 5, 2014 - edited

Vi is a great carry jungler. I don't even main jungle and i've solo carried games on her shes that simple

Reply October 5, 2014 - edited

I guess I can try Yi. I know that evolving W is better than Q, but its just not my style. I'm used to doing Q E R, but I do Q E W now if I get to late game.
@qwedsa87 @halfway I'll definitely try him. Jungle, right?
@lsharyu Does this actually work?

Reply October 5, 2014 - edited

just instalock ryze and dodge if you dont get him

Reply October 5, 2014 - edited

fizz jungle most broken thing

Reply October 5, 2014 - edited

[quote=qwedsa87]"WW is freelo til plat" - my plat 2 friend[/quote]

I'm diamond 4 and this is so true.

Reply October 5, 2014 - edited

"WW is freelo til plat" - my plat 2 friend

Reply October 5, 2014 - edited

Play Master Yi. Its freelo if you know how to get a fast Feral.

Also, your Kha build isnt optimal. Try Elder Lizard --> LW --> if ahead BC otherwise go defensive items. If you are very ahead you can try BT. Also, whats your order of evolutions?

Reply October 5, 2014 - edited

azir mid or garen jungle new meta

Reply October 5, 2014 - edited

@Sammi Really? I gotta try him some times.
@desimator546 Lizard -> Brutalizer -> Hydra -> Finish Cleaver -> Raduins or Last Whisper -> Raduins or Last Whisper -> GA. Usually, I usually gank mid or bot often.
@Genji I find Fid being easy to die with, rather than killing

Reply October 5, 2014 - edited

fid jungle isnt bad..if u know what ur doing. I actually played fid support to carry me from silver to gold..hint: abusive e

Reply October 5, 2014 - edited

I main Kha'zix, and I don't find him able to carry that hard. If kills are all I have, I don't see how I can win the game based off kills.
Perhaps I can try Voli again. I main'd him in Season 3
He can split push, can he not?[/quote]

How are you building him? Well the point is to get kills and then objectives

Reply October 5, 2014 - edited

Rammus, he's at 60% win rate right now. Learn to play him.

Reply October 5, 2014 - edited

I main Kha'zix, and I don't find him able to carry that hard. If kills are all I have, I don't see how I can win the game based off kills.
Perhaps I can try Voli again. I main'd him in Season 3
He can split push, can he not?

Reply October 5, 2014 - edited

[quote=desimator546]Hmm, I'd suggest master yi or khazix then. Both are pretty good in low elo.[/quote]

Use Volibear or Kha zix
No one really knows volibear is OP
But his bit with 4k health can do 1k damage

Reply October 5, 2014 - edited

[quote=Floral]Silver [/quote]

Hmm, I'd suggest master yi or khazix then. Both are pretty good in low elo.

Reply October 5, 2014 - edited

[quote=desimator546]what elo are you in?[/quote]

Reply October 5, 2014 - edited

what elo are you in?

Reply October 5, 2014 - edited