
wtf did Nexon do to Aran... ?

So I finally logged in after a few months, and I hadn't done some proper grinding since early 2015. I kept myself a little updated with the Aran changes, but seeing as I didn't see any big news on the site, I didn't think the changes had come yet.

Then I see the dreaded Tempest nerf (skill is beyond useless now), the one skill that made us unique and awed. It wasn't even that op or spammable (pretty much only spammable when Combo Unlimited was on). Now I'm hearing FB + BB is getting heavily nerfed too (reduced by half?). This is bs, how was this skill op in any shape or form?

So we've gone from a class that excelled at mobbing and suckish at bossing to sucking at mobbing to even suckish at mobbing. They're reducing our damage and of all things, our lines too (massive wtf)? So now racking up combos will take forever and once we reach 1000 combos, we get a 15 sec Adrenaline Boost? woop de doo...

why did Nexon go and nerf one of the most underplayed (and perhaps overall, worst) classes? so disappointed

January 1, 2016

8 Comments • Newest first


@commanderkser: ITS ... under 9000?
@megascience Just saying, meso explode had one of the highest hps in the game, if not the highest o-o... If you could cap on it, it was really op. Yet again though, you'd have to cap on it which is extremely hard in itself. You can just get -cd and get it with no cd o-o. A -5 sec CD hat would do the trick... all aboard the DA hype train

Reply January 1, 2016 - edited

Shadowers basically lost Meso Explosion. It wasn't the best skill, but it was the easiest way to do mass mobbing quickly. It was reported highly funded Shadowers that hit damage cap could use it against bosses, so their solution? 5 second cooldown. Yay, now it's not convenient for funded Shadowers... and normal Shadowers, because you've defeated its entire purpose. Hey, you know how you add a special damage cap to skills? It was for this purpose. If they just capped the damage-per-hit, funded Shadowers couldn't abuse it and normal Shadowers could still use it for general mobbing.

Or that is to say, KMS had some oddly rushed solutions to issues which negatively impacted all users instead of just their target groups.

Reply January 1, 2016 - edited

I'm pretty sure Aran hits 6 lines on everything now, also their skill %'s were always too high, I capped my Aran extremely easy. Quit crying. Lets complain about Phantom or Bowmaster with their 130-140% skill %'s.

Reply January 1, 2016 - edited

Well, if you don't like Aran, how about playing a class YOU DO like?

Also, Aran revamp is right behind the corner, it's going to be a whole different class now, it terms of gameplay.

Reply January 1, 2016 - edited

"reduced lines" beyond blade went from 3 lines to 5 lines and final blow is a permanent 5 lines I dont see the big deal, adrenaline rush gives you 400% too all you skill and a shock wave which is basically an extra few lines.

Tempest was able to hit a very large area of range and was more spammable if you had a lot of combos and unlimited combos didnt help that case either, even after the nerf where you consumed more combos it still hit and absurd area of effect.

The upcoming revamp is going to be a buff but for whatever reason you view "fewer lines (which isnt true)" and lower %'s (which is true to an extent) and getting to 1000 combos isnt even that hard. Like if you're gonna complain this much find a new class, nobody wants to hear a whiner.

Reply January 1, 2016 - edited

Why overreact.. they're getting a revamp in a few months..

Reply January 1, 2016 - edited

Time to find a new class to play then. All their fun was taken away since Chaos patch. Reason why I quitted mine AGES ago.
They were so fun, now they're so trash.

Reply January 1, 2016 - edited

keep raging
you might become super saiyan
or in your case, just get 1000 combo

Reply January 1, 2016 - edited