
maximizing profit from titanium heart

So yeah I just marveled a t heart. Seeing how I won the RNGesus lotto, I feel obligated to juice it.
So ofc I'm going to be selling it after marvel closes, but I'm curious of the optimal way to sell it for maximal gains.

1) Sell it clean across worlds.
I reside in khaini so my market is pretty jank. But luckily the code can be redeemed in any world.
So basically I would be finding a seller in scania or windia and sell it for nx which I can transfer back to my khainian main

2) Half perfect it and sell in khaini
Either 110att it or get decent potential on it. Not sure which one would increase profit more based on the amount I'd need to invest in it.
Also not sure which potential tier is of optimal profitability. Ex: unique, unique 15% stat, legend, legend 18% or more stat.

3) Perfect it all the way thru
So both scrolled and cubed. This would require a ton of investment and I am unsure if it will even be worth it based on the price I can sell it for.

So yeah that's pretty much all of the options I can think of

Also feel free to pm me offers if you're tryna help me out with option 1 <3

January 30, 2015

4 Comments • Newest first


not sure if genuine agreement upon #1 or ppl tryna get me to sell to them specifically

Reply January 30, 2015

I saw a 110 attack 21+%STR go for over 110bill.

Reply January 30, 2015

You already got lucky, don't risk it and lose that profit you made.

Reply January 30, 2015

Edit: whoops

Reply January 30, 2015 - edited