

Dont you just love it when

your professor respond in the best way possible.
So i had a lab final today and i wanted him to clarify a question about measuring the performance of an element. He responds: what measurements can you take to measure the performance. I was like uhhh that doesn't answer my question. Obviously I wasn't gonna be rude but like what da hell? Yo response is useless to me professor.

Not only that, but then I asked him if he can give me another name for a circuit, and he told me that it's the name that was used in the lab manual. I ofc said I don't recall reading that name. So after the final, I looked in the lab manual and they called it another name -_-

Finally, you know how your professor tell you when your final is gonna be , like at least a week in advance. NOpe, my professor tells us today that the final is on THursday. We ask if there is going to be definitions/drawings we need to do and he responds: use your best judgement.
Foo, if we used our best judgement, we wouldn't need to ask you.


December 9, 2014

1 Comment • Newest first


oh shoot, i just remembered i had to draw your avatar.

now theres 4 specialized drawz i don't have the skills for. ugh. Dx

i gotta learn more MOAR!


Reply December 9, 2014 - edited