
Back from 10year break. How much are these worth?

Long story short, I just came back to maple, just recovered my OG basil account, and maple acct. I have [6th Anniversary]Scroll For One-Handed Weapon Atk 20%
and [6th Anniversary]Scroll For Two-Handed Weapon Atk 20%

The only reason i ask, is because i have about 100 of these combined, and I'm trying to figure out how much they could be worth, or are they useless now? due to enhancements and everything new in the game. I stacked a bunch of these when they came out, in hopes to scroll a nice claw.

They add +7 weapon attack for a 20% chance, but 100% chance to blow up on fail.
Some may remember these, some will have never heard of these.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

May 27, 2020