
Is this new ?

Today i wanted to do my daily MonsterParc session when i noticed a dungion i had not seen before. Chu Chu lvlv 210-220. It is giving a whopping EXP of like 2,5% for my lvl 215 !

May 20, 2020

2 Comments • Newest first


You they do, personally i think that is kinda weird, a MonsterParc map that requires (i think it was 100) arcane force. But then again, every lvl210 and higher level player probably does his dailies in Arcance River, I know i for sure do.

Reply May 21, 2020

I think they introduced the arcane river monster park levels around the same time they introduced the maps for arcane river themselves. But maybe you can answer a question in return. The question is do the arcane river monster park maps require arcane force as well?

Reply May 21, 2020