
Price Check On a Couple of Items

Hey, can I please get a price check on the following items?

1. 6% Total Damage Neb (A)
2. Anviled Android Headgear
3. 25 att and 35 att Beryl Hearts
4. Perfect Fafnir Cannon (+10 50% Unleashed Scrolls)

Thanks basil

August 28, 2013

2 Comments • Newest first


lol, I wish my cannon would sell...

Reply August 29, 2013

1. You
2. Will
3. Stack
4. Cash

I honestly don't know many prices for Scania. Beryl Hearts maybe like 1.5B for the 25att and 2B+ for the 35 att? At least here in Windia I've seen those prices.

You could probably get a Lamborghini Countach for the perfect Fafnir Cannon.

Reply August 28, 2013