
Buff duration for 5th job decent skills

Do you guys think the 5th job decent skills will be affected by boss duration?

November 5, 2016

10 Comments • Newest first


@nitsua2789: Okay good. I'm fine with it, would be ass without stance.

Reply November 6, 2016

@funkyflame: I haven't read anything about it changing. They originally planned to alter stance as a system, the changes would make it so that stance was only active if you were attacking but it would also prevent you from being super-kb'd (from Magnus' dash attack, for example). However they ended up keeping the old system in place.

Reply November 6, 2016

Just do whatever you feel is best, I'm keeping decent equips and getting the new ones. Start off by buffing up my almost 10 minute decents, change gear, when they run out use the V ones. I'd also probs use regulars for training/dailies.

@nitsua2789: Do you know if stance (mainly talking about Mihile link) will still work the same after V patch?

Reply November 6, 2016

u guys make me wanna spend monies again to fund.

Reply November 6, 2016


Like @wall: said, changing equips constantly is a hassle in end game bossing situations, half the time I prefer not to bother replacing my buffs in CVell as it just complicates the situation. The cooldown is irrelevant if you have any sort of buff saving item, and if you don't have much buff duration the difference in duration is barely noticeable. I have 12% on my Inner, 15% Mechanic Card and 10% from Empathy for a total of 37% Buff Duration, which means the equip versions would be at 328s rather than 240s.

In a 10 minute time frame I'd only have to cast the 5th job versions 1 extra time than the equip versions, and the time I waste on trying to re-equip 3 pieces of gear is a lot longer than the time it takes to cast 1 extra set of buffs.

The choice is obvious for anyone who regularly does end game bosses like Lotus or Damien, and Lucid certainly looks more challenging than both of them.

Reply November 6, 2016

@nitsua2789: But.... Why?
I find having Buff Duration with Decent equips better.
More duration + better effects.

Why waste 2 slots on decent Sharp, and speed infusion, when you can use both slots for potentially six skill improvements,
While just using a single glove for both.

No cooldown, and lasts longer...
Re-equipping is not a big deal.

Reply November 5, 2016

@hacebera: @natty2:

You start with a base 4 slots, unlock another slot every 6 levels (for a total of 12). Although in videos I've seen of 250 characters a lot of them only have 11 slots, ex.

Regardless, 1 slot for your job skill, 1 slot for bind, 4 slots for decents, 1 slot for your class skill (mage, thief, warrior, etc) brings you to 7 slots, leaving 5 (maybe 4) slots for enhancement cores. Most classes will only need 2 slots to max out the ideal skills, some classes like Evan need more (I have about 6 skills I'd like to max).

Technically if you're ideal about your enhancement core set ups, 4 slots is enough to max 6 skills. I don't plan to use the Mage 5th job skill because it seems very weak, so that free's me up an extra slot, but outside of Evan no class should need 4-5 slots to enhance all the optimal skills except maybe Zero.

Imo it's very much worth using decents from 5th job to save the trouble of having to equip gear over and over, so I plan to use a slot for DSE, DSI, DAB, and DCO.

Reply November 5, 2016

@hacebera: aha. Level 248 get 12 core slots (which is currently the only known way to open slots) even tho the window shows more slots available to open, and there's even a scroll right / left option grey-ed - out (as if in the future we'll be able to open more)...

Any player above level 218 should have enough space anyway.

Reply November 5, 2016

@natty2 V-matrix space shouldn't matter if you're high level right?

Reply November 5, 2016

Buff duration (unfortunately) don't affect 5th job skills of any kind.
Keep your decent equips, it's better.
More space in your V-Matrix for other skills.

Reply November 5, 2016 - edited