

Shade ninja nerf??

Why is soul splitter and bind only 10 seconds duration now? They were 20seconds before the V limitless patch. This was not mentioned in the patch notes either.

December 8, 2016

11 Comments • Newest first


@originspecs: probably broken then, i'd assume it would have nothing to do with dmg and perhaps does something with hps rather than dmg if they truly wanted it to be balanced for weaker shades.

Reply December 12, 2016

why does shade keep getting shat on, i think we where the perfect balanced class when it first came out. if they even just gave us back normal bind and split it would have been perfect

Reply December 11, 2016

@ragerraging: Naw both skills say "Duration +100% depending on damage inflicted with (split and bind)". I have 6.4m range and did 176m on soul split and 429m with spirit trap. If that's not enough then I can't imagine what it actually is to get it to it's full potential. Or it's just i mean, it's up in the air.

Reply December 11, 2016

anyone notice our spirit claw dosnt have same reach as before? is it in my head but i swear but i swear it used to have crazy range and now...its meh

Reply December 11, 2016

@originspecs: I think you have to consistently be attacking it for it to be extended.

Also, does anyone else's bind mess up if they split the boss first then try to bind? My bind tends to latch onto the split rather than the original. Not sure if it's just me or if other Shades are having the problem.

Reply December 10, 2016

@lovedocabc: It's not dependent on damage, I am about 6.5m range and even when I use both theres not a second of increased duration.

Reply December 10, 2016

@ragerraging: Ya that's true. Didn't have time to write all that. Never read any official kms patch notes just what max from orangemushroom translates and looks up himself. I usually go off those patch notes and figure out what nexon America missed or changed.

Also with 5th job you can upgrade your 4th job skills by adding % final damage (some get up to 80% final damage). So when people are going to be hitting 100m lines with a lot less funding kinda makes up for the bind changes. You also get a special 5th job bind skill so thats another 10s but idk if that stacks or what not. Although the soul splitter is weird to nerf if bosses resist it, it's not a bind is it?

Reply December 9, 2016 - edited

@i3artman: not Nexon Korea, they describe their patches with videos and really descriptive patch notes. Nexon America is the one that forgets to do all that and severely lacks that ability.

Reply December 9, 2016 - edited

Everyone's binds got nerfed. Nexon just likes to leave stuff out of the patch notes.

Reply December 9, 2016 - edited

Man they keep nerfing bind and split. Shade have probably the weakest 5th job skills if you don't have enhancement cores on majority of your skills, which takes more core slots compared to most classes.

At this point I wish they remove the cooldown on spirit bond max at lvl 200 and change weaken from 20% damage to 20% final damage. Shade is hungry for some final damage....

Reply December 8, 2016 - edited

Nexon added changes from later patches that come during 5th job. I'm pissed at the continuous nerfs to shades. I almost positive that liver drop rates were nerfed and now the bind and soul splitter, last 10 seconds, with long cooldowns, making the skills useless.

Soul splitter and bind last 10 seconds and I guess abit longer based on your damage, directly hurting people who do less damage? Then bosses can resist soul splitter and bind for 90 seconds after use. Whats the point of giving shades a 5th job cooldown reset skill? In case we miss? If your going to nerf the bind and soul split, then increase our damage accordingly.

Shades got screwed over with direct nerfs and indirect nerfs. I don't know how this got through testing.

They need to increase the duration of soul split back to 20 or 30 seconds and add a line to our mobbing skill. Then fix the liver drop rate.

Reply December 8, 2016 - edited