

Calligraphy Requests

Need to practice my calligraphy. Give me something to write (names, quotes, etc.) and I'll write it in nice lettering and link the picture to you.

[b]Completed Requests:[/b]
@RedEyed: [url=] what does this even mean? [/url]
@helpingly: [url=] you are a helpful guy[/url]
@firebolt: [url=] first one[/url] [url=] second one[/url] and [url=] the last one [/url]
@royalkiss: [url=]the ink splatter was accidental but it kinda has a cool effect[/url]
@goodfortuna: [url=] feel really bad about screwing up your favorite word haha. sorry[/url]
@halofreak: [url=]not gna say anything lol[/url]
@revenants: [url=] I JUST realized I wrote an entirely different word [/url] sorry about that :[
@rtyu: [url=]You are what you believe[/url].
@keyan22: [url=]Vanilaaaaa[/url], and [url=]#Drumpf[/url]
@repentant: [url=]GoldenOaths[/url] and [url=]McFail[/url] is the award winning Nexon's Dollar Menu item. Funnily enough it's only good once you pay more than you would have to for most classes lol
@xronelix:[url=]oh but I can [/url] lol
@duzz:[url=] Too bad [/url]
@tashie:[url=] Finally got around to posting it[/url] if you two get married please hire me to write the wedding invites
@fighterdoken: [url=]adorable[/url] [url=] Im so sorry [/url]. I hope you're doing okay. After my fish passed away I was an emotional wreck for weeks.
@helpingly: [url=]I wish I were one[/url] also, [url=]what are they going to say[/url]?
@goldenhedgy: [url=] delicious[/url]
@hualicious: Finally! Here's the [url=]pen[/url] I use! And here's your [url=]name[/url]!

April 25, 2016

66 Comments • Newest first


@hualicious no problem and thank you very much.

Hmm with Copperplate and Spencerian the letter forms are very similar. But there are certain rules that makes it easier to memorize. For example, for Copperplate, most majuscules have a spine (universal line of beauty). Spencerian is far more variable and I've seen people incorporate more ornamental majuscules but after you stare at them long enough it's not too hard. For the most part the majuscules are all drawn in one long stroke.

For other scripts, with broad edges, my favorite being Fraktur, it's a lot harder since, on the whole, the letters look abstract and it takes a while to figure it out.

But to answer your question, I did need to look at some exemplars initially but after practicing long enough, you get the feel of it and there's no need for a sheet or exemplar anymore :]

Reply May 5, 2016

@hangwithhung: Thanks David! It looks pretty. Do you memorize all the alphabeth calligraphy shapes or you look at some sheet?

Reply May 5, 2016

@hangwithhung: Ah thank you for posting. It looks great. Can you write 'Hualicious' for me?

Reply May 5, 2016

Clammmmmm choowwwderrrrr

^ idk if you still taking requests but yea

Reply May 4, 2016 - edited

@hangwithhung can you do : [Polar] Bear Lung for me? One of my Ferrets just passed away in her sleep

Reply May 3, 2016 - edited

wow pretty

Reply May 3, 2016 - edited

@hualicious I'll tag you later when I'm out of class. I have the pen on me now but I just can't take a picture of it yet.
@goodfortuna Two pencils is awesome but it only works for broad edge :[ Even water brushes on Zen Boards sometimes don't really get it, since the brush doesn't have the same resilience to bending as do most nibs, so you get more of a "modern calligraphy" look the same as with a pointed nib. Sadly, my control is awful and so in the end I can't make the sharp stops at the bottom of some letters and it just looks as though I'm using a brush anyway haha

Reply May 2, 2016 - edited

@hangwithhung: take a picture of it and also from a close shot of the nib. I did find the Jinhao fountain pen yesterday when I was randomly looking around on the internet.They had nice decorations on them.

@goodfortuna: it's ok, it happens

You can practice calligraphy with two pencils bound together. This way you don't waste ink either.

Reply May 2, 2016 - edited

haha to be honest I'm not even that sure, myself. It's one of the Jinhao pens with a marble casing, originally medium width nib. he outfitted it with a very, very flexy one that's just gorgeous and great to practice with. kind of scared to touch nibs + holders for a bit before I've gotten good form. those things don't last long lol

Reply May 2, 2016 - edited

@hangwithhung oooo care to share what model pen? I have a minor obsession with fountain pens but I haven't ventured into the flex nib territory yet as I like to use my pens for everyday stuff not calligraphy. Maybe I'll get the noodler's ahab one day though!

Reply May 2, 2016 - edited

@goodfortuna: Thanks, I went to google it.

You spelled my Basil name wrong so I didn't get the notification.

Reply May 1, 2016 - edited

@haulicious not a brush he's probably using some sort of flex nib dip pen or fountain pen

Reply April 30, 2016 - edited

Which calligraphy brush are you using?

Reply April 30, 2016 - edited

@hangwithhung: Anytime. It's just my job to be helpful! Keep up with the good work

Also, sorry to be a bother, but could you do Amanda+Andrew? Wanna mess with some friends

Reply April 30, 2016 - edited

@hangwithhung: Wow that was fast. Yeah no worries. I love this thread

If you ever need more let me know.

Reply April 30, 2016 - edited

@helpingly sorry about reposting the other one haha. I'm learning to pump these out quicker too your request is done!

Reply April 30, 2016 - edited


If you're still looking for practice can you do "Celebrity"? Thanks

Reply April 29, 2016 - edited

thanks a bunch <3

Reply April 28, 2016 - edited

@fighterdoken didn't have any time to put in any flourishes but keep coming back with requests and they'll slowly but surely be working their way into the pieces :]

Reply April 28, 2016 - edited

haha it's great . thanks anyway!

Reply April 28, 2016 - edited

@hangwithhung: Ahh thank you so much! This fills my heart with much warmth. And I find Mihile truly amazing, regardless of funds

Reply April 27, 2016 - edited

@hangwithhung: Was wondering why I didn't get a notification lol, you put kenyan22.

Reply April 27, 2016 - edited

@hangwithhung: Looks fancy, it's a lot better than how i'd write something, lol.

Reply April 27, 2016 - edited

@hangwithhung: practice each segment of lifts then. Start from just doing the 1st 1/2 with the straight lift upwards. Then grab 2 boxes and practice the motion starting from knee up. Get some wraps if your grip is failing so that you can directly concentrate on 1 thing without worrying. Those wraps blessed my lifts.

Reply April 27, 2016 - edited

@firebolt i thought about the no shoes thing but the arches in the foot are pretty important. I really need to start working on speeding through with my pulls and all. wooh. biggest problem is how I use my knees. been reading books on it and still can't get it right.

Reply April 27, 2016 - edited

@hangwithhung: Trying DL with no shoes, you have a lot more base stability and can explode straight upwards. Get your squat down lower and start using your back after you get the bar past your knees. Main point to consider is that the DL is more a push than a pull, where you thrust your hips forward while keeping your back straight instead of hinging and pulling all with the back. Practice make's perfect

Reply April 27, 2016 - edited

@firebolt omg no my DL is terribad. Form's all out of whack :[

I'll get to everyone else's later today, too!

Reply April 27, 2016 - edited

Nice deadlift, keep at it!

Reply April 27, 2016 - edited

dont wanna request but damn that looks good

Reply April 27, 2016 - edited

"?daer neve uoy naC"

Reply April 27, 2016 - edited

I love this so much.

I'd like to volunteer with "Silversworn" and "I love Mihile".

Reply April 27, 2016 - edited

"French vanilla situation" -Brett Keane
"7-11 attacks" -Donald Trump

Reply April 27, 2016 - edited

Beautiful. I have a tear in my eye seeing all these basil memes written

Reply April 27, 2016 - edited
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