hangwithhung #Marksman Talk

General Marksman

MMs huge drop in Dps because? Right so I know DPS charts aren't accurate due to in game factors such as knockback/buff times and all but the drop for MM's 1v1 DPS is quite shocking. I looked up a few changes that were announced in KMST (which I know isn't going to be final) but I didn't see anything about a decrease in skills. In fact, it looks like MMs are supposed to be doing a lot more than they currently do, with the massive delay decrease in Snipe. Does anyone know how the latest charts are calculated? It's [url=https://itzdarkvoid.wordpress.com/2014/07/26/kms-tespia-1-2-509-dpm-chart/]here[/url]. I'm not really worried about DPS ranking but I am worried that the skills are getting nerfed or something.