
Transposing H2o with potential

say i have this h2o katara with legendary pot and i want to transpose the tsukuyomi stats onto it but the tsukuyomi has epic pot... will the h2o have the legendary tier pot or epic tier pot?

July 22, 2015

7 Comments • Newest first


It will show you the result if you put both into the gui

Reply July 22, 2015

I WORKED SO HARD on this guide.
And I only got 1 comment.

Reply July 22, 2015

[quote=lilpyro991]When I transposed my legendary/legendary bpot Tsukuyomi onto my clean h2o katara, I got the legendary/legendary.

So yours should have the Tsukuyomi's pot (epic).

However I'm not exactly sure if it's still going to be like my case, because I did this awhile back.[/quote]

Um what your saying is true though. Cause say for example you have a empress weapon thats epic in b pot and normal pot and transpose that to say a sw one it would turn out epic in normal pot and b pot
source: I transposed a weapon about last year though had a fafnir two handed axe at unique normal pot when i transposed it to a sw two handed axe which turned into unique.

However I believe he shouldn't transpose due to the fact that the clean sweet water katara's potential and b pot are legendary compared to the tsuuyomi which is epic.

Reply July 22, 2015

dont do it. it will be epic.

Reply July 22, 2015

When I transposed my legendary/legendary bpot Tsukuyomi onto my clean h2o katara, I got the legendary/legendary.

So yours should have the Tsukuyomi's pot (epic).

However I'm not exactly sure if it's still going to be like my case, because I did this awhile back.

Reply July 22, 2015 - edited

That's a good question. I've never seen a situation like this. If you want to see how it'll turn out, just start the transpose process with the NPC. It will show you the result of the weapon after transposing even before you do it, potential rank included. Just go to talk/try it with the NPC to get your answer for sure.

Reply July 22, 2015 - edited

Why would you do anything like that?

Reply July 22, 2015 - edited