
Picking between two of the pirate classes

I like both classes but at this point im trying to finish MS with a bit of a personal bang since MS2 is supposed to come out this year. The power isn't bad on Jett(I have a 60k range on it from CRA,Fafnir,Tyrant cape) and I hit about 250k+ mobbing, and 300-400k with my single target skill. If I moved all of my gear over to Shade would my damage be better?

January 18, 2015

6 Comments • Newest first


I'm not sure if this is true, but after you get the +1 hitcount Hyper (Lv. 143) to Backup Beatdown, it seems to start outdamaging Starforce Salvo, the 1v1 skill. The Final Attack hits hard, but with 10 hits dealing 355% for each line and a 2% proc rate, that's effectively a +71% damage boost (additive) to SS, weaker than Corsair's Majestic Presence and Bowmaster's Advanced Final Attack.

As a reference, Backup Beatdown's keydown deals 3 lines, 200% damage each in a 180ms delay (same as Mille Aiguilles), and Starforce Salvo deals 270% per hit (341% with Strikeforce Showdown factored in) with a 120ms delay.

However, the Lv. 170 Hyper, Singularity Shock, is really strong. It has a 7 sec cd, but 100% crit rate, and even with the delay (2580 ms at Faster (3) speed, 2370 ms at Fastest (2) speed), it's still beneficial to DPS, dealing 15 lines with 800% damage each.

Reply January 19, 2015

It depends on how much % str gear you have.
My shade is only 71 but is running no hand me downs from my bucc, but he is tanking scorpions (1 dmg).
Just know he has mainly passive skills and they are exceptional compared to buffing often.

Reply January 18, 2015

[quote=Alesanah]Do you realize that MS2 is coming out only for KMS? and you need korean social security number to get an account?
Maybe around 2017 we'll get translated MS2.[/quote]
Also I dont feel like making this an MS2 discussion thread. That was just a small part of this,and if I'm wrong I can live with it. I'd prefer to focus on the classes themselves. I could be able to play in Korea and you'd never know. So let's stay focused on the main question.

Reply January 18, 2015

iirc @Alesanah is correct about this as MS2 is going to be released in Korea first this year and depending on the demand and popularity eventually be released in GMS. The game has just finished Closed Beta so its still going to be a while.

Reply January 18, 2015

Do you realize that MS2 is coming out only for KMS? and you need korean social security number to get an account?
Maybe around 2017 we'll get translated MS2.

Reply January 18, 2015