
Sudden bann on rankings? Hiya! So I noticed today logging after about 5 day period of not playing that I am no longer on rankings. Has there been an issue related to this recently or am I simply one with this problem? I am not hellbanned,nor do I have any history of banns. The only thing that comes to mind is that I was on a holiday in America for 3 weeks and logged in a couple times there & thats it. I live in Finland so there is quite a distance in between... Could it be possibly that? I mean they didn't send me anything to my email about logging in from America or anything so I thought it was fine. Anyways if someone has this problem right now, mind telling me when did this occur? Thanks in advance for help!


Unable to play Hello guys ! So I have of recent started getting the following error : ngs update error 0xe0100405(-535821307) and I am unable to play at all. I can at most stay from 10 seconds to 2min online at once and crash with this error. I tried re-installing the game several times & using the new launcher system AND its repair button, nothing. I googled different solutions, but none seem to work (tried em all by now). At start re-installing worked until I logged out & the next log in kept giving me this error. Now even after re-installing nothing, insta crash, won't even let me stay in game anymore. Perhaps someone on basil has had this problem and has found a solution? Also saw this same/similiar problem on Nexons forums, the

General Xenon

Weapon Dilemma Hello! So with another miracle time coming up I decided to cube my Xenons wep and I hit a wall. My Xenon currently has both whips, a Fafnir (285atk) and a Terminus (336atk). My xenon already has a legendary IA, but has not gained anything good in it, otherwise this choice would of had been simpler for me. And other problem I have is that Xenon won't be having any link skills, so with a Fafnir whip I would have 282%boss & with a Terminus I would have 252%. Since I already have a DSI / DSE glove I was wondering, which option would benefit me more? Going with Termi or with Fafnir?


cRA drops and starting up Ms Hello! So I was just wondering if the cRA bosses not dropping anything is a confirmed thing, or the drop rate actually just extremly nerfed. I tried looking for threads on this topic but couldnt find one >.< Also as of 10th Anniversary patch, each and EVERY time I try to launch MS through game launcher I get the "Report Error" window claiming starting MS didn't work, but each time it does start and its starting to irritate me quite a bit. Is this client sided or could this be a problem from my end?


Shade or Xenon? Hello! So my question is, which would be better to main, a Shade or a Xenon? The set-up is that I already have 7starred tyrants with unique pot (mostly random stats as of now) , both weapons +9'd (a faf whip + knuckle) & decent secondaries for both. Seeing as Xenons will be getting their speed boosted with the snipe, would it be worth considering a Xenon? What if I perfected a Terminus whip, would that make Xenon a more viable option instead of Shade? Shade has its obv ups, of not having to buff & Split + bind, but the downside would be getting a DSI glove (For Xenon I would already have a lv 140 Pensalir SI glove). When making your suggestion please spesify why that one would be better! Thanks in advance ^_^


Dojoing from Eu So basically I want to ask all the EU/Outside of NA area players about their dojo times & hopefully some tips to increase our dojo times! I play from Northern EU so of course naturally my connection is horrible, this can also be seen in dojo unfortunately. I'm just wondering out of curiosity how good of dojo times outside of NA area playing players can get? I main a DB and cap with it in dojo & the best time I can get is 5:49 (This is done without decent SI) Please post your times & possible tips for other players like us! :D Have fun mapling guys <3


Evo Empress and her drop rate Hello! So my question is simple : How low of a drop rate for empress shoulders does Evolution world Empress have? I have been using 2x event + 2x card + 2x shiny easter buff & 4 drop rate items (each +20%rate) & I have 14%inner ability drop rate yet I keep getting 0 shoulders every run ._. Are there some sort of conditions to be met when killing Evo Empress or am I just that unlucky? Also these weren't my first 5 Evo emp cores that yielded nothing, the last 15 cores have given me 0 shoulders in total. I used to get them before with mere a 2x drop, each time 5 shoulders, now nothing. And I know she isn't broken at this moment since my friend got last night 14 shoulders from 5 Empresses with almost same d


Db nerf Happened or not? Has it happened or not? The reason I am asking this is because while I grind at LHC, ppl compliment my damage sometimes and right after that they say "Too bad you guys are getting nerfed f3". So I just wanna clear out this : Has the DB nerf happened or not? I feel like it has because I don't do anymore with final cut 2x 999,999 dmg. I want to know this because I love my DB and want to get it to 200 lvl. Idc even if we got nerfed it is just bit confusing when most people say it will happen soon xD. And yes I know it was a fix for Mirror image glitch not a nerf but not everyone knows that and most people see it as nerf so to get replies it was better choice of saying ;).


Can we solo Ht? Im just wondering if I can solo HT post legend on my dual blade. His range is clean 40k has 30% boss and 15% pdr. The reason Im asking is that ppl say we got "nerfed" (Reading throught some sites apparently it is a fix and I agree on that one) so Im not sure anymore... . And also my friend who hasn't yet gotten used to using basilmarket has asked me to ask for him if he could also solo HT. He is NL with 33k range 30% boss and 15%PDR from the set effect (if it is working atm). If you guys think we could/couldn't please say ^.^. Oh and if you need any extra info to say if we are able to solo please tell so I can post them. PS I have done every Leafre quest and I still can't start pre's help please? xP (lvl 171 btw) T