

What skills should I be going for?

In general, what are the best skills to max first as a BM? So far I hav SE 20 and Hurricane 20. All the other skills are at 10. If anyone can post a link to a guide or tell me mastery book prices in Bera I'd appreciate it.

April 3, 2013

2 Comments • Newest first


Id say in this order:

SL first, hp and dmg.

SE cause i like the skill I thought it was worth it

then hurricane, op

BE is also helpful, but rare. it gives nice dmgs

rest is, idk. lOL

Reply April 4, 2013

[url=]Guide.[/url] As for book prices, if they're anything like Scania, it'll be about 5m max per book (if you're desperate), with AFA costing a bit more.

Reply April 3, 2013