

Jett Link Skill

Hi, I made a jett for the link skill and got it to level 121. I heard that the link skill could get up to "level 2", but it doesn't show it. I also heard you can get 34 attack, but the max for mine is 20 attack. Why is that? Any help is greatly appreciated!

December 28, 2015

4 Comments • Newest first


@wall: Ah, nb. How does one lock a jett core?

Reply December 30, 2015

@wall: As it requires attention daily for the star dust potions(right?), I'd prioritize other ones. I haven't at least spoken to any player yet that actually use it over other ones. :o

Reply December 30, 2015

Jett link is garbage, don't bother.

Reply December 30, 2015