

lashuevas3 #Gms Talk

General Gms

Does Maple have less active players now? Just started playing again after 4 years and I noticed the amount of players have lowered. I play in Windia by the way. Maybe I'm wrong but this was more noticeable in the FM entrance. Now in channel 1 there's as much people spamming as there was in channel 2 or channel 3 back then. The rooms in channel 1 aren't full. Even the lower rooms have plenty of space. I remember having a bad time trying to find a spot in the upper level rooms. The bottom rooms in channel 2 used to be full as well. Now they have like 1 or 2 shops. Even Henehoes seems to have lowered. Where's all the people? Is there something I'm missing or just the amount of players has decreased in the past years?