

Help training Marksman

Hey guys so why do I need help? well my computer (even tho new) sucks with maple graphics, lags whenever I hit mobs but thank god I don't lag so much when I'm bossing unless they summon mobs then I'm screwed (but not so much)
So what I wish to know is what bosses are good for EXP? so far I'm doing Zakum twice a day and hilla, all 3 gets me to ...around 65% so maybe If i find more bosses to kill i'll be able to do like a lvl per day (sad yes yes)

MY marksman is lvl 144 atm hoping to get it to 155 ish so i can get no cooldown snipe so i can start Ranmaru, Czakum, etc so any help is appreciated!

Btw the prequests for Zakum changed and is now easier to do especially acquiring Eye of fire!

I was wondering if Horntail's prequests changed as well? or must I still do the whole HTPQ with 5 people etc etc i don't mind the part where you gotta find specific items to enter cause you no longer have to hunt for that griphy boss since you can now just go to evo lab and kill it there for 2m so yeah like i said any help is appreciated! thanks guys!

July 18, 2014

3 Comments • Newest first


@betaboi101 are the horntail prequests still the same? do i need a party of 5 to do HTPQ or something like that?

Reply July 19, 2014

Horntail/ chaos horntail + hundreds of horntail re-entry passes = easy levels.. maybe?

Reply July 18, 2014

I don't think there are many bosses you can kill for good efficient enough most of the time.

Reply July 18, 2014