

Secondary Main

Sup guys im planning to make an archer class for my secondary main for the bossing and stuffs so yeah which one should i create? I will only equip them a cra set and reinforced gollux set. A class that can atleast do normal gollux with like low - medium funding and the definition of fun for me is hitting lots of damage Thanks~

July 31, 2015

4 Comments • Newest first


Hitting 40m lines is enough to kill hard gollux, not in a time efficient manner though, but that just needs like a 200k range with 100% boss.

Never tried Normal Magnus, too lazy to do the prequests, but you won't be able to utilize range finder while attacking him.

Reply August 1, 2015

@masinko hmm ok thanks i think I'll go for mm but what range do you think is needed for hard gollux and normal mag?
Might change my mind if the poll turns around o.o

Reply July 31, 2015

Both Bowmaster and Marksman can easily take out normal gollux with just a reinforced set and cra set (spell traced and star forced of course).

Marksman will do much more damage, but I find gollux much easier as a bowmaster, due to having drain arrow rotate quite often, and setting up turret to kill the eye and the jewel.

Reply July 31, 2015