

hey is vocaloid okay to listen to yet

just wondering if its okay (socially acceptable) to listen to vocaloid (the music) yet

March 11, 2015

13 Comments • Newest first


[quote=Omegathorion]After the wake of Gangnam Style, you would have expected foreign language music to be more popular, but that hasn't really happened. But seriously, no one is gonna lynch you for what you listen to.[/quote]

K-pop has become extremely overrated among Asians. Gangnam style was purely a hype, like The Fox was.
Vocaloid is actually pretty popular, too. Among weebs, that is.

Reply March 11, 2015

[quote=SirKibbleX2]Legitimate anime? What does that mean? Anime made in Japan? To distinguish it from Avatar TLA/LoK?[/quote]
The joke is that Bible Black is pretty hardcore smut.

On topic: After the wake of Gangnam Style, you would have expected foreign language music to be more popular, but that hasn't really happened. But seriously, no one is gonna lynch you for what you listen to.

Reply March 11, 2015

[quote=Elasmobranch]My friend openly watched 3 episodes of Bible Black because they considered it a legitimate anime.[/quote]
That's hilarious.

Reply March 11, 2015

Anything that has to do with anime is still social unacceptable unless you're in Asia.

Reply March 11, 2015

Sure, but you have to have the right attitude. Adventure time shirt, bright pants, colorful chucks, crazy hair, and crappie bright headphones. After that, whatever you listen to is irrelevant to whoever may overhear.

Reply March 11, 2015

No, go back to your hole.
I'd say give it another half decade or so.

Reply March 11, 2015

I listen to Vocaloid and like to sing along sometimes. I don't see a problem with it as long as you don't annoy people with it o:

Reply March 11, 2015

[quote=SirKibbleX2]Currently, Anime is not totally socially acceptable in the Western World.

But people are more tolerant and accepting these days.

Also it's not a good idea to ask an anime looking mmorpg fansite that question.[/quote]

My friend openly watched 3 episodes of Bible Black because they considered it a legitimate anime.

Reply March 11, 2015

just wear your headphones, nobody gives af what you listen to

Reply March 11, 2015

You do you. Who cares about what others think?
Just remember

Reply March 11, 2015

If being gay is socially acceptable, why would listening to vocaloid music not be.

Reply March 11, 2015

Music is music, everyone has their own taste. Just don't ask youtube.

Reply March 11, 2015

As long as it has female singers. If not its obviously sexist. /s

Reply March 11, 2015