
highest level weapons i can get off npcs

was wondering where i should go to get level ~60 weapons for my mercedes since i'm trying to train at aliens now but since ive just been using the lv 10 dual bowgun they take a month to kill since i have 10 damage
wanted to know where to go to either buy or drop one of those so i can just move on with training

March 14, 2015

7 Comments • Newest first


R&J monsters drop level 70 ~ 100 equipments

Reply March 15, 2015

Any "weapon" seller will have the weapons. They are no longer class/city specific.
However, you should do ToT's as the reward boxes give you full armor and weapon sets up through the level 60 set. Costs you nothing.

Aside from that, grinding on level appropriate monsters will also drop gear in your level range for you up through 130. That's how I got my equips when I started out unfunded.

Reply March 15, 2015

[quote=Endurance]regular equips merchant sell 40 ~ 70

the one in leafre sells dragon 110 weapons (not sure if it was removed)

and the pvp merchant had 130 equips but you needed tokens to buy it[/quote]
what regular equip merchant is what i'm asking here

Reply March 15, 2015

Regular training on regular mobs should also provide with a low chance to drop gear. ALSO, I think you get some gear doing questlines.

Reply March 14, 2015

tot's give you equipment at lvl 60 btw.

Reply March 14, 2015

regular equips merchant sell 40 ~ 70

the one in leafre sells dragon 110 weapons (not sure if it was removed)

and the pvp merchant had 130 equips but you needed tokens to buy it

Reply March 14, 2015

Tot gives equips before lvl 70 or 80. Then after that I just blacksmith equips for the higher levels

Reply March 14, 2015