

Fastest youve ever finished an exam?

In terms of hours and minutes, or % of total time you had to write. idrc how you answer

October 8, 2014

25 Comments • Newest first


[quote=xtripled]45 minutes for my 2nd year stats final. [/quote]

i lied. Just smashed my finance exam, 30 minutes for a 3 hour exam. I don't even rush my exams, i just like writing all the answers down so i don't forget any details. So i guess i'm just a fast writer, but at the same time i studied a lot so i was very comfortable with the questions. Really sure i at least got an 'A' on that exam. feeling pretty good

time to spend the rest of the day with @augustrain

Reply October 9, 2014 - edited

3 hours to spend on an Art exam, which was writing a paper based on certain criteria.
Like what's your style, who inspires you, mediums, elements/principles, other long questions.
Finished it in 5 minutes, got a 100% &had the rest of the day to myself

Reply October 9, 2014 - edited

I finished a 3 hour genetics exam in 45 minutes last year... I spent another half hour checking answers though, but it was still a lot less time than I expected.

Reply October 9, 2014 - edited

i took a 2 hour exam in about 30 minutes, so like 25% of the allotted time.

Reply October 9, 2014 - edited

10 minutes out of a 60 minute time limit. Given, it was an all objective test, and I have great short term memory. I studied for that exam ~1 hour before. I had a perfect score for that exam.

Reply October 9, 2014 - edited

Yo ikr, you learn more looking for the answers that way instead of not studying, taking test and passing with a 6/10 imo.

Reply October 9, 2014 - edited

[quote=xtripled]@powerguy121: yeah, at my school that decision is decided by the department so it varies. For example, my accounting course required a minimum of 30% on the final to pass regardless of the mark entering, but my philosophy course didn't have that rule.[/quote]
In my university it pretty much varied by class. Glad not every class had rules like that, because I went into one and probably got like a 20% (not really a big deal IMO because we had to take a course that really expanded on all the things I didn't learn in that one, so I ended up learning it). A few courses even required our assignments to be done (which sucked for me, although I managed to get the highest mark on an exam because I had to do all the assignments as my studying).

[quote=DjFunky]I always take full time, cause I never study for any test, so I just write as much as possible.
Sometimes I start wanderin and stare outside for 30 min.[/quote]
Most of my tests were open book. Going into my exam for Vibrations (one of my final semester courses), one of my friends says "Are you ready to learn vibrations?".
It was kinda a joke, but it totally occurred to me that half the time in my exams I learned a lot because I was really abusing the open book aspect. It really made me wonder if I would have been able to deal with school if my program didn't have mostly open book exams. I'm also pretty sure I learned more about vibrations during that exam than I did studying the few days before.

Reply October 9, 2014 - edited

I always take full time, cause I never study for any test, so I just write as much as possible.
Sometimes I start wanderin and stare outside for 30 min.

Reply October 9, 2014 - edited

@powerguy121: yeah, at my school that decision is decided by the department so it varies. For example, my accounting course required a minimum of 30% on the final to pass regardless of the mark entering, but my philosophy course didn't have that rule.

Reply October 9, 2014 - edited

25 minutes on my Chem final c:

Reply October 9, 2014 - edited

Probably like 45 minutes, maybe an hour. Silly history of science and technology class.

Reply October 8, 2014 - edited

45 minutes or so
i take my time if i finish early to double check my answers and blah blah because i'd hate to accidentally forget to answer a question or whatever just because i wanted to leave early

Reply October 8, 2014 - edited

Where I'm from, it doesn't matter if you walk in the exam with a 100%, if you get a mark lower than 40%, you fail the course.

Reply October 8, 2014 - edited

I always take my time with tests so I don't make stupid mistakes. So now that I have 50 minutes midterms in uni sometimes I have to rush at the end. I never leave exams early in uni anymore. in high school I left maybe 30 mins early.

Reply October 8, 2014 - edited

The shortest exam I written was for my metallurgy class, took me about 45mins to finish it. He told us the main questions that would be on it and I found myself over studying for it.

Reply October 8, 2014 - edited

at my school you have to wait atleast 1 hour before you can leave, however I managed to "finish" in 30 minutes. I passed the course with a 40... wait never mind I didn't pass.

Reply October 8, 2014 - edited

I remember I finished my chemistry exam in like 45 minutes and just thought "that's it?"

Reply October 8, 2014 - edited

4 minutes on a 6 page test...
Me and 3 other people did this because the test was ridiculous
She gave us a cross word puzzle to solve...
I do not know how to solve the puzzle..
I gave up i didn't even care

Reply October 8, 2014 - edited

[quote=mitarumetaro]A friend of mine finished an exam in like 1 minute once

but that's because he looked through the exam, thought "this looks way too tedious", and immediately walked out

edit: maybe that doesn't really count as "finishing"[/quote]

one of my friends was already guaranteed to pass the course before taking the final (the final was only worth 30%) and it was a pure multiple choice final so his plan was to just scribble in C for all his answers and hand it in. He didn't care about the grade because he just needed the credit for completion of his general education requirements. However, the prof told him there was a minimum 30 minute stay in the exam room before anyone was allowed to leave, even for washroom breaks. He was not pleased lol.

*he went to the final cause the school has a policy that all students must write the final to pass, regardless of mark.

Reply October 8, 2014 - edited

Depends on if it has an essay portion or not, exams where I have to write an essay I usually take the full amount of time. Math half the allotted time. Multiple choice and short answer 15-20 minutes.

Reply October 8, 2014 - edited

A friend of mine finished an exam in like 1 minute once

but that's because he looked through the exam, thought "this looks way too tedious", and immediately walked out

edit: maybe that doesn't really count as "finishing"

Reply October 8, 2014 - edited

45 minutes for my 2nd year stats final. We were given 3 hours to complete it. I'm told the majority of people stayed the full 3 hours. I got like a 96% in that class, i'm told the class average was like a 57. Although, i mainly did well in that course because i was already familiar with like 80% of the content before the 1st class. I would like to say i'm a mathematically oriented person so i could grasp the material easier than some other students.

-not directed towards flexy because flexy already knows this-
I personally believe there's little correlation to how quickly you finish an exam & how well you do. Some people finish quickly and get a C while others can finish slowly and get an A and obviously vice versa. Take all the time you need.

Reply October 8, 2014 - edited

Enough to agitate the teacher.

Just cause i finish faster than everyone doesn't mean i'm supposed to get 100%, 85 is gud enough for me.
Pssh, just lemme doodle in peace.

Reply October 8, 2014 - edited

[quote=OnlineMusic]Like 10 or 15 minutes on my health final last quarter. I got an A overall in that class.[/quote]

Did you go to the hospital afterwards? Because I feel like your hand must've caught fire.

Reply October 8, 2014 - edited

Like 10 or 15 minutes on my health final last quarter. I got an A overall in that class.

Reply October 8, 2014 - edited