

mookiiyy #Thief Talk

General Thief

Cadena the next big thing? So after the checking out the dpm charts and the buffs Cadena will be getting to muscle memory is it safe the say they will be the best bossers in terms of dps after the patch hits GMS? EDIT: These are the buffs if anyone was wondering. CADENA: Chain Arts: Pursuit: Enter Dark Sight after moving, and will end after 3 seconds Muscle Memory: Final damage +3% (previously damage +5%) per stack of buff for 20s (previously 15s) Muscle Memory II: Final damage +7% (previously damage +10%) per stack of buff for 20s (previously 15s) Muscle Memory III: Final damage +11% (previously damage to 15%) per stack of buff for 20s (previously 15s) Cheap Shot II: +10% damage dealt to normal mobs (New Effect) Chain Arts: Takedown: For u