

what to upgrade with 4b

after a month of bossing/training i managed to get 4b out of it and if I sell of some more stuff i might get 5-5.5 however im not sure what to upgrade as most of my stuff is decently scrolled it just lacks the good potentials.
I was thinking of either switching my 5 star epic noa shoes to tyrant( if possible) or buy cubes with it. i have:
3p cra
SW whip 12 starred with +110 attack or, not primed i know its old
30 att heart (x2)
unique core controller
reinforced gollux all unique(dex/luk mixed not all stat) with the pendant and earing perfected belt is in process. my ring is still clean and so is my superior ring
15att and all stat absolute ring
evo 3 10 att ring
furthermore i have some random totems/pocket items

so should I buy better rings? tyrant boots: starred or clean?
or buy cubes?

thanks for your consideration, I will add screenshots when maple is back on.

February 19, 2015

6 Comments • Newest first


@amarfi can't tell if stupid or not, him buying superior gollux would cost atleast 4b + he would have to recube and re scroll it idiot

Reply February 20, 2015

i feel like you should do tyrants last unless you buy some cheap enahnced ones. i spent so much mesos trying to enhance my tyrants and i didnt even get good results. shuold've spent that money on better stuff

Reply February 20, 2015

@amarfi Another example of a pay-to-win player. He already has unique reinforced gollux so I don't see how superior gollux set is necessary at all.

Reply February 20, 2015

hey morrin ill sell u a faf energy whip. you should focus on the basic necessities you need then tyrants.

Reply February 20, 2015

tyrants should be one of the ;ast things you should buy or upgrade to get the accessorizes first

Reply February 19, 2015

Superior gollux set + reinforced and solid rings, and another of your own choice. As for the tyrant, buying a clean one and making your own is probably cheaper

Reply February 19, 2015