

should i just reroll my IA?

right now my 2nd line for my IA is 16% crit which makes my crit rate 91% should i just use miracle circs and reroll for a better primary line, or should i farm up honor exp to lock my crit rate and hope for the best on the first line?

August 23, 2016

11 Comments • Newest first


@hualicious: There's no better card to replace MM if you don't have 100% Crit rate.
The only essential character cards are:

DA, Kanna, BT
Hayato, 2 empty slots
Mechanic, Shade, filler 3rd Pirate card for 6% IED (Xenon/AB/Jett/Captain)

No other cards give min/max critical in GMS, so you're already maxed out there.
3 Thief set is extremely wasteful considering you don't even have a thief in this set of 7 essential cards.
Blaster is a possibility for an empty slot, and the MM would fill it in. Replace Blaster with Zero for leveling.

Demon Slayer is irrelevant in a few months.
Mercedes is useless for Mercedes herself because it doesn't apply to most of her skills as they have

Reply September 9, 2016

@akon1659: Look at the top

should i just reroll my IA?
Mercedes Forum Talk about Mercedes

Reply September 8, 2016

@hualicious: Yes you should include it, It's one of the best character cards in the game and who said anything about a mercedes?

Reply September 8, 2016

@akon1659: No, I shouldn't include Marksman card because Mercedes have 60% Critical Rate. So it's easy to get to 100% Critical Rate without using the MM card. And yes there are other cards that will benefit Mercedes.

My Mercedes has Min Crit 35% and Max Crit 80%, so it make more sense to use cards to increase these stats.

So Mercedes has Crit Chance 60%
+15% Phantom
+7% Beast Tamer
+10% decent SE
92% rate already and there are still other resources to boost it up to 100% without the need of MM Card.

Combined with his current IA it will be 100% if he didn't reset it. But of course it is recommend to get a different IA on a Mercedes.

This also applies to a Night Lord with having 55% Critical Rate, it is not recommend (but of course optional) to use a MM card. On jobs with high critical rates you try to max it and try to raise as much as possible Min/Max Critical Dmg.

By using your available resources properly you can get 100% Critical Rate, 100% or more on Min Crit and Max Crit Dmg.

Reply September 8, 2016 - edited

I've spent ATLEAST 5m honour trying to roll for 2nd line crit, keep it.

@hualicious: you should include the mm card, Having 100% crit will do more for you than any other char card.

Reply September 1, 2016 - edited

Keep the critical rate 16% on the 2nd line of your IA for now.

Try to get critical rate stats from:
-Decent SE (Skill or Nebulite) 10%
-Phantom Link Lv2 15%
-Beast Tamer Link Lv2 7%
-Hyper Critical Rate (optional if you got points to spare, max is Lv10 15% but you don't need to max it if you don't have to)

I didn't include Marksman card because there are other better cards that you could use instead to boost other stats.

Reply August 26, 2016 - edited

lock and reroll

Reply August 25, 2016 - edited

Crit is great on second line, but ultimately you'll want to reroll it.

Mercedes can get 100% Crit with her skills + dSE + level 5 Crit Hyper Stat + BT/Phantom links at level 2 + S ranked MM card.

Reply August 25, 2016 - edited

getting 16% crit rate 2nd line is pretty good (and rare?). i would lock 2nd line and reroll for better primary line instead of using circs.

Reply August 24, 2016 - edited

imo i would farm and lock, but hey its your char. you do you.

Reply August 24, 2016 - edited

my first lie of IA is 20% boss if that helps.

Reply August 23, 2016 - edited