General Shade

Shade Passive Hyper Skills As of now, My Shade is level 152, and I love this class as much as I love my first 200 character Cannoneer (PIRATE PRIDE). Now, Spirit Claw Hypers are practically a given to put points into, but the real question is what to put the remaining two Hyper Skill Points into? Bomb Punch or Fox Fire? I personally feel that Having Fox Fire Repeated Attack Bonus will help alot especially in bossing, but should we put a point in increasing Fox Fire's activation chance to 30%? Please discuss.

General Shade

Party Bonus Exp after YouampI Update The question has been raised before, alas no one has yet to answer. In KMS's update of U&I, they added that: "Party bonus experience has been increased. Instead of being in only specific maps, party play bonuses will now be available in all maps! If you have 2 or more members in a party, your bonus experience increase proportionally. It will range from 125% to 275% based on the number of party members. If your party attacks the same monster, its experience will be increased in proportion to the number of party members, up to 3 people. This system will be restricted or reduced in certain content however." Info in : This has yet to be seen in GMS, nor am I capable yet to test this out myself.

General Mechanic

If Mechanics were redone, how would you want them to be? Many players found Mechanics to be lacking as a class, some find it fun due to how challenging it is to play as one. Yet I feel that with these revamps and these recent classes and their playstyle, I find that Mechanics would rather be changed ALOT to at least not lag behind some of the other classes. As the title says, what would you want a rebooted Mechanic to behave like? Most classes have at least 2 main styles of combat: Battle Mage's Auras and Blows Phantom's Copy Skills and Card Buffs Paladin's Charge Attack and their Specialized Elemental Charge passive buff Xenon's Mode Change and All Stat Bonus Buffs Marksman's Rangefinder and their Mobbing Capabilities Which style or two st

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