

hi pls criticize my friend idk anything about anime

"come @ me" -vvinsome 2k16

August 8, 2016

16 Comments • Newest first


why is gurren lagann the background but the anime isnt even listed lol

Reply August 16, 2016

@vvinsome: Higurashi's great as long as you don't mind gore. Fate/Kaleid is great most of the time, though one of Ilya's friends is pretty annoying. Thankfully she's not a main character. You were definitely too lenient on Haruhi S2, considering you had to skip over half the episodes. They claim it's a new season but, counting Endless 8 as 1 episode since that's how much content they have, they only delivered 7 episodes. I consider it to be an OVA season that's marketed wrong.

Also there's a difference between taking inspiration and outright copying. The anime cliche where the male main character falls down the stairs and plows his face into the girl's breasts, only to be called a pervert and slapped around because of it is just painful to watch at this point and it was never really all that funny to begin with. When a show uses this exact same scene, they're just padding out the time of the episode, it's like when a Shounen anime shows a flashback. I guess you can say it's that show's take on a tired cliche but when they don't change anything meaningful about it, it's hard to justify.

Reply August 16, 2016 - edited

@ecarina: I added higurashi to the list. IDK about fate/kaleid, i heard it was lesbo, but then again, who's gonna complain about more girls? Also yeah, I was probably very lenient on season 2 haruhi because I was still on the season 1 hype train. I skipped the endless 8 anyways, so im just gonna pretend it didn't exist.

@2005chuy: Sucks having a real sister, can't enjoy that sister love :CCC

@qtwarriorxx9001: Lets be real here man, did you really enjoy watching a whiny kid cry through 26 episodes? Sure, its realistic, so they say, but who cares if it was an absolute pain to watch. With TWGOK I can watch cute girls do cute things. Whats not to like

@xreniya: Alright, I can see that feeling like you've watched this show already could be pretty bad, but at the same time almost nothing created can be considered completely original. Everything is inspired by something, and just seeing other show's perceptions on the same topic can be enjoyable. I'm a pretty tolerant person, so it would be pretty difficult to make a show something I can't have fun with.

Reply August 16, 2016 - edited

@vvinsome so i was right about your scale being different. you should probably use the descriptions they assign for each number on MAL, where 7 is "good" and 5 is "average." it helps a lot and it gives you more freedom to more accurately rate the shows you like, since you really aren't using the lower end of the scale.

cliches aren't intrinsically bad. people abuse cliches because they work. the problem is that if you're using cliches and reusing worn-out tropes, it means your writing is lazy and uninspired. obviously this isn't going to be a problem for someone who has just started watching anime, because those tropes and cliches will all be new material to him. but to anyone who has watched a lot or even just some anime, unless that person doesn't mind watching basically the same story over and over again, any show too reliant on cliches is going to get old real fast. the word "cliche" has an extremely negative connotation, cliches are considered terrible almost by definition.

i dont know about nisekoi, because i stopped reading about halfway through. the story didn't progress at all, and the comedy was fine but eventually stopped working for me. it was chapter after chapter of the same thing, i got too bored. if what you're saying about nisekoi is right, then that's not a cliche, it's taking a well-worn trope and subverting it -- using it in a different way than it usually is, or just presenting an altered version of the cliche. when done correctly, that sort of thing is generally praised. but most of the time cliches aren't used like that.

a show can be mindless and shallow without having to rely solely on cliches. it can be a comedic slice of life that keeps miles away from anything considered "profound" but still deliver its comedy in a fresh and original way. one doesn't have to contemplate the darker things in life to watch a show and say, "i feel like i've watched this exact show before even though i haven't, and i'm already bored." even a great joke will become unfunny when told a hundred times.

Reply August 16, 2016 - edited

@xreniya: ah sorry about that. i accidentally posted it early while trying to make a new paragraph :CC

Reply August 16, 2016 - edited

@xreniya: This is my anime list.
Your first line about watching and enjoying nailed me completely. I rate anime based on my personal enjoyment just as you say. Because the goal and requirement of every show is to be able to entertain an audience.
You say that I "suck up all the terrible cliches," but what makes them terrible? Shows can sometimes take a cliche and add some of their own flair to it. I've seen many people hate on Nisekoi for being a generic harem cliche, but I think it's pretty cool that they used the harem cliche as a foil to help express what love really is. If you haven't watched it, the MC has been infatuated with the ladylike, cute Onodera, firmly believing that he loves her and she is completely his type, despite not being able to hold a flowing conversation with her. However, he, as a gangster leader's son, is forced into a fake relationship to prevent fighting between two gangster groups, kind of like a marriage of a prince and princess to establish peace between two warring nations. He hates the fake girlfriend, Chitoge, at first, since she is completely opposite from his dream girl, Onodera. In fact, he seems to hate all her attributes, like being aggressive, loud, and not being ladylike. But, after spending more time with her, he starts to develop feelings for her, despite still hating all of her aforementioned attributes. Unlike his feelings for Onodera, he likes Chitoge for being Chitoge. Not because he thinks she's graceful, or cute, or ladylike. Furthermore, he is able to touch Chitoge, unlike the Onodera he placed on a pedestal. He can actually talk to her and interact with her. Nisekoi uses the "terrible" harem cliche to act as a foil for Chitoge. His infatuation with other girls like Onodera because of their appearances, serve to contrast with his feelings for Chitoge, a girl he likes despite hating her attributes, while also being a girl he is able to actually interact with on a more personal level. All helping to argue that real love runs deeper than just appearances and adoration, and instead is liking someone for who they are and being able to feel or interact with them.
People tend to see cliches and immediately think this marks a bad show, but many times, shows use these cliches in different ways and for different purposes. Shows that others bash, but I enjoy like Nisekoi are great despite having cliches because of the way they use them. However, I do admit that I have rated some mindless shows as amazing, but this ties back to my first point about a show's goals. Not every show wants to have an intricate story with meaningful dialogue. Sometimes a show doesn't want you to ponder over the meaning of life, but instead just wants you to sit back and enjoy some mindless fun. So it's wrong to give this type of show a terrible rating because it doesn't have the same complex plot as a serious show, since that wasn't even the intention of the show in the first place.
Anyways, I rate things as a sort of pass/fail in whether it met my criteria. If I enjoyed it, its gonna get at least a 9. If I liked some parts, but not others, it'll get at least a 7. Anything that gets below a 7 was a pain to watch and failed.

Side note: It ended up being kinda long, but your comment was just so interesting that I wanted to explain myself completely. I was so surprised you were able to get me from just an anime list and my ratings on it.

Side Side note: Togame best girl.

Reply August 16, 2016 - edited

Dropped Oreimo? Tell your friend to take a hike.

Reply August 14, 2016 - edited

he gave neon genesis evangelion a 4
and he gives all 3 TWGOK 10/10
nothing needs to be said
the facts are there
this man has trash opinions and is therefore trash

Reply August 14, 2016 - edited

he doesnt think about his anime. he just watches and enjoys. there's nothing wrong with that, but you could so easily criticize him without having even seen any of these anime.
he's a brainless sponge who without a second thought sucks up all the terrible cliches, tropes, lazy storytelling, and bad animation that these shows throw at him. in fact, you could say that it's people like him who enjoy and support such mindless material who keep anime from getting better. if you give large viewership to bad shows, guess what there's going to be more of? bad shows. he has no consistent criteria at all.

having said that, you should give him a chance to explain himself. maybe he has a different numerical rating system than we do. an 8/10 for him might be an 80%, or a B-, which isn't all that great. and he might actually have interesting insights and thoughts as to these shows which can't be reflected by a simple number.

Reply August 10, 2016 - edited

Well he apparently dropped Fate/Stay Night, which is the correct course of action, but he also claims to have watched all 24 episodes.

Higurashi is nowhere on this list. Make him watch it.

He gave Haruhi Season 2 a 10/10, even though the first 8 episodes are the same thing with slight differences.

Fate/Kaleid is nowhere on the list.

Reply August 10, 2016 - edited

Your friend ain't a true weaboo, you should tell him to quit because he's doing it all wrong and giving true weebs a bad rep.
>Has only spent 61 days of life watching anime. A true weaboo would have already spent a minimum 365 days watching anime.
>Gives most anime series ratings of 8/10, 9/10, or 10/10, with an average score of 9.33 for everything that he's watched. A true weeb would be a critical thinker in terms of judging and handing out anime ratings, reserving the 8+ ratings for anime that truly deserve them. I mean seriously, this guy gave SAO 8/10 and SAO II 10/10, and To Love Ru 10/10. As you can see folks, this guy clearly has trash taste in anime.
>Currently watching 119 shows. This guy has commitment issues, he can't seem to pick a few shows to watch and finish, instead he chooses to watch "everything" and finish nothing.
>Dropped Log Horizon Season 2, yet he liked season 1 so much he gave it a 10/10 rating. A true weeb would finish his favorite shows to completion, not drop them like this guy did.

TL;DR - Your friend needs to go outside and stop pretending to be a weaboo because he's doing it all wrong.

Reply August 10, 2016 - edited

well i mean first he needs to get laid bc holy crap he needa tone down the weebiness

Reply August 8, 2016 - edited