
Recruiting NorthKorea group

[b]Edit: Forget being NorthKoreans. We will call ourselves the Detours. They want to be Dora the explorer? Not going to happen when the Detours are here[/b]

Before anyone says use listing, this is not for a guild, just a group which is spread over all worlds of Maplestory. This group is to counter the spread of the Tour Guild by @Ang33l and any other future opposing group.

[header=]Why are we making this?[/header]
The guild Tour has been advertising how they are going across each world to help Maplers and are looking for members, but here's the catch; to join the guild you must be a high level and have funding. Is that fair for the newly created characters and unfunded? No! They think they are a vigilante group like the Vongola family first generation, but in reality, they are trying for the main character spot while leaving the rest as minor characters.

Is the maple community going to stand being in the shadows? No chance at all unless you are a thief! Let the low levels and poor unite and overthrow this Tour guild. For the maplers! By the maplers!

[header=]Who can join?[/header]

Everyone. Not only the poor and weak, but also the rich and strong. Just post your ign below in the comments. I will add you to the list.

[header=]How do we fight them?[/header]

We are the NorthKoreans fighting for the mass, but [b]we will call ourselves the Detour[/b].
Easy. They think that chair in Henesys has no one sitting on it? Wrong. Detours will rush to that chair and x before any of them gets a chance to sit.
They think that map is free? No, we swarm in hundreds and lag the place.
They want to help out by giving 10m to a random person? Ha! They will give it to our undercover agent. We will Ryan Higa them.
They want to train legitly? We will patrol place 24/7 and paparazzi when they don't.

[header=]What is our group anthem?[/header]

Despite popular belief, we are only a group, we have no affiliation with North Korea, so we will be using one of the following by C.N Blue.
Yong Hwa! - Personal biased

Tl;DR: Start reading.[b][/b][b][/b]

April 20, 2013

6 Comments • Newest first


i hope n korea bombs us so we can be involved in ww3 that would be awesome and sure to hit the history books 100 years from now

Reply April 20, 2013

This made me laugh LOL

Reply April 20, 2013

Eternal leader Kim Il sung ftw.

Reply April 20, 2013 - edited

1) Take a rising North Korean pop star (PSY-like)
2) Create a catchy song
3) Make a funny video using the said catchy song
4) Post on youtube
5) ?
6) Win!

Reply April 20, 2013 - edited

-Kim Jong il wuz here-

Reply April 20, 2013 - edited