

Where can I learn about the positive future with Trump?

I keep Googling to find left wing stuff that seems to make Trump look bad. I wonder what will happen like how Nixon made weed illegal.
A basiler told me Obama mainly caused gov whistle blowers to get longer sentences.

I could see myself as a rich republican to prevent poor/homeless/deranged/evil people from populating my safe, friendly, close republican neighborhood. Less taxes would be taken from me so I can do personal projects, control hard workers with my philanthropy money, spread my pure beliefs to reduce other woman's reproductive rights.

December 4, 2016

32 Comments • Newest first



Reply December 15, 2016

@bleute: Are you going to kill the spirit of King Edward III?

Reply December 11, 2016


Reply December 11, 2016 - edited

Let's not forget our beautiful announcer @naruto:

Reply December 10, 2016 - edited

my eyes are sore but have to congratulate @chakhae for triumphing the battle w steady collective responses and @stoker for keeping up w the war
patience is a beautiful virtue

Reply December 9, 2016 - edited

If there's anything positive about Trump it's that I find it highly entertaining how Trump riles up the left and the politically correct with his incoherent nonsense.

Reply December 8, 2016 - edited

@stoker oh, I'm sure you'll be as ready as I am right now. We'll do some low range bossing/partying together.

Reply December 8, 2016 - edited

@stoker you reached the level of my character that took me about 7 years (of not trying hard) to get to the level he is (175).

I mean I'm sure if I wasn't in school I would party it up with ya, but if you're still close in level range to me by Friday I'll join you (probably even if you're like 180, I'll try to catch up).

Reply December 8, 2016 - edited

@stoker: dude, you're 175, on the character you said you don't care about!? What the hell?

Reply December 8, 2016 - edited

@bleute: I'm willing to discover new things from another's thought process.

Reply December 7, 2016 - edited

@wellness: I'm willing to share with you sometime my thought process.

Reply December 7, 2016 - edited

@bleute: I'm sorry. I wasn't clear. I meant it to be an unconscious/natural thing that we're affected by. The concept of how our minds are shaped by our surroundings. For instance, your feeling isn't uncommon, and people are taught to speak their minds. And I feel like if I knew everything about your life, that it would perfectly illustrate the concept in the way I proposed. Like you could have seen someone express themselves that way or it was seen as a valuable trait and you saw you could be successful with that attitude generally -- and you may have not been punished for it. The fantasy element may come into play also. I don't know what's in your mind, but I may say that if it is in play, that how you view the situation , other people, and yourself may not be rooted in reality. Of course, I would apply this concept to most people, and I'm not specifically targeting you.

Reply December 7, 2016 - edited


Reply December 7, 2016 - edited

@xreniya: My favorite part, if I'm a part of it, is thinking of new things, usually as rebuttals. I could do this previously for some pages and near the end the other party might insult and I would feel they have nothing to say at that point. Now people just insult from the get-go, as like a build up of previous arguments they've had with people. We have an emotional generation.

If I'm looking at other people, it's fun to analyze what's going on and perhaps connect new knowledge. Like I figure the reason people are insulting and aggressive is because they are usually rewarded, or see others rewarded, either verbally from their friends or peers, or through likes (which is everywhere), and so to be awarded and seem more appealing, they would make comeback statements intermixed with their rebuttal, even if that means being disliked -- in fact, they embrace that as part of their identity.

There is also a fantasy element involved. To either party, in their mind they're thinking about how the other party would react in real life -- usually within their favor -- even though they are not in the other party's presence. So they're playing a fantasy out in their mind, which is basically what you get from the internet age.

Of course, I have personally experienced this in different ways -- I have my own identity -- and you can see these concepts satired/parodied in videos. It's just interesting to think about.

Reply December 6, 2016 - edited


Reply December 6, 2016 - edited

my favorite part of discussions is when people get tired of hurling insults at each other like monkeys and finally start actually saying something

Reply December 6, 2016 - edited


Reply December 6, 2016 - edited

i can't believe someone is this dumb

Reply December 6, 2016 - edited


Reply December 6, 2016 - edited

@bleute: congratulations you did your homework that was assigned! i'm so proud of you. what does an economist who pioneered the modern economic policy have to do with the failing republican party? what does arguing to a strawman mean when you were the one who literally called trump a clown and his respective party dead?

third party alternatives? you mean the third parties who are far too focused on winning the presidential elections and barely giving a crap about the local levels and building up rapport with their citizens? you mean the party with no donors, no existing talent, that keeps running the same person over and over again in the hopes that this time it'll be different? jill stein? are you joking me? a conspiracy-baiting nut who denies fptp voting and calls her liberal opposition 'savage hate' and praised brexit? a candidate who is a total waste of green donor money that could be better spent going to local and state campaigns where they can actually win and advance the platform ?

why do you say "i've found that the best way to teach someone to never say something stupid again is to make them feel like crap for it" when you fall victim to these very words?

Reply December 6, 2016 - edited


Reply December 6, 2016 - edited

it's hilarious how you begin your pathetic attempt at a response by trying to imply that you're a 'respectable old school player' and better than everyone else just because you didn't sell your korean fan on the auctions or participate in scavenger hunts hosted by mrbasil when you were ten years old. don't worry, i have the mark of the beta bandana too.

did you even read what i wrote or were your tears blinding you by the fact that someone doesn't absolutely despise trump to formulate a coherent rebuttal? if you want to cherrypick problems with political parties to make yourself sound like you know what you're talking about i can do that too it's not that hard see look:

"It's ironic how the party that once had the some of greatest presidents in history (Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Richard Nixon) is now run by a bunch of goddamn monkeys"

It's ironic that how the party that once had some of the greatest presidents in history (Franklin Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, James K Polk, and Harry Truman) is now run by a bunch of goddamn monkeys who nominated someone who takes millions of dollars in speaking fees from wall street while pretending to be for the people, being against gay marriage as late as 2008 and only flip flopping when it's beneficial for her, siding with big pharma regarding marijuana legalization, helped to implement one of the worst foreign policies ever established, voted to authorize the war against iraq in 2002, encouraged the secretary of state to bomb yugoslavia even though they didn't pose any threat, refused to criticise the palestinian killing of hundreds of civilians even though there were no evidence of hamas equipment, refused to negotiate with qaddafi, and hundreds more i can list that are far worse than someone's recording of locker room talk

if you want to debate politics try not starting with a stupid quote that your social studies teacher put up on a board five minutes before class started and told you to write down half a paragraph of a reaction to it. at the very least, i admire your sense of self-preservation for overcoming the enormous lack of basic cognitive processes you must suffer from if you can tell that the republican party is on the decline. no one said that it wasn't. but to call the president-elect a 'reality tv clown with a double-digit iq' insults the jews and african americans who were discriminated against in florida in 1997 and were only allowed to stay due to trump pouring millions of dollars to save them,insults the millions of americans who will benefit from the logically sound healthcare plan he has to replace the disastrous obamacare, insults half the country who voted for him, and frankly insults you because you decided to come onto here and regurgitate what you heard from your senile grandfather without doing a single bit of research.

Reply December 6, 2016 - edited

@bleute take your fingers, tape em up, and shove em up your ass!
I witnessed some of those Zakum runs pre-2008, as a ghost nonetheless, but I witnessed em!

Reply December 6, 2016 - edited


Reply December 6, 2016 - edited

@beefly: It sounds like the situation is one where you have members who are intelligent people who are trying to be smart about everything and that makes it look normal, but no one actually understands where they're coming from. Then you have these other people come in who have more social attractiveness by being extreme or blunt, basically voicing their opinion a lot more in ways that would appeal to the emotions -- similar to the shock factor. I've seen this multiple times outside of the election. You have to be careful who is allowed to influence your organizations, and take steps to prevent it from happening. Of course, I'm just guessing. I have no clue what it's really like in that organization.

Reply December 4, 2016 - edited

I don't like GreenPeace, they used to be cool. Then people with chem/bio degrees started leaving it because of how extreme it's becoming.

Reply December 4, 2016 - edited

I am not well-versed in economics or politics, but from what I see, people from both "sides" are at least half-right. For instance, Trump is racist because he is targeting specific groups of people, but it's also a type of discrimination that could bring mental stability to people since people are inherently discriminatory. Unfortunately, it is in a time where racial tensions are high, so there is a lot of hatred and distrust surfacing because of Trump. And instead being proactive in making a living, people would blame immigrants and corporations.

Also, I believe outsourcing work to other countries and making our products more available would be beneficial to us, namely in the long run. With a global work force, that allows businesses here to grow, and with increased product availability due to lower tariffs, it would increase our global presence. We just need more creators and businesses. It's just that we're not in a state in which everyone is seeking to become businessmen and creators, which causes the established corporations to increase their power. I think the satisfaction and comfort people have from working menial jobs would be a hindrance to the trade deals. Of course, there is nothing wrong with focusing on comfort. If families are in comfortable position, the people are more comfortable and may naturally start businesses. However, if Trump gets rid of federal assistance, that may just push people further into poverty and homelessness instead of into comfort.

I think all around people understand what is happening. I just think because of their principles and emotions, they have to reject certain things.

@chakhae: Trolling goes both ways. There are attention-seekers, but there are also people who give those people attention in the most inciting ways, which causes it to just be worse and more emotional, which just causes people to be "ranty" instead of having healthy debates. It's interesting.

Reply December 4, 2016 - edited

@stoker: yeah i've been here since the glory days of basilmarket when mrbasil and eeveepony and the other mods still used to frequent threads and there was a lot of fun and interesting discussion in chat but it seems like it's absolutely dead and filled with attention-seeking twelve year olds it's kind of sad to see the state of this site atm

Reply December 4, 2016 - edited

First of all the homeless people are the rich people since you can be smart enough to not share a camp. You can be a sobre homeless person who gets 900 dollars a month from social security. You can do this by buying pointy-toed shoes and climbing a fence into a elementary school at night and sleep with a blanket you put in your duffel bag on the roof or behind a block that will prevent you from being seen. Don't sleep but get the best rest by peeping your eyes a bit open but you'll still rest in case you need to use a taser that is police-strength on the nobody that will see you because no one would technically ever see you because you are a young person who would just run off before they see your face if you see a moving figure. the rest of your items you can pay 99 dollars for a storage place to make sure you can a good variety of fashionable clothes/books/your private art you made, etc. Or you can even get rid of the cost of 99 dollars a month for storage if you would just make sure that if you painted on a canvas you would cut the canvas up and put paint thinner on the oil paint you used that would have been dried in another 5-12 years and tint paper that with seek the paint in and absorb the paint after you draw a easily refined black/white graphite melding darkness shade with a clutch pencil so that you can avoid overeating without effort moreso than a starving artist who might have irrational overeating disorder for reasons to do with art problems of mental health called the envy of the art brute. Next, you can instead of buying throw-up pills, throw up by when you hear maternal voices of the old you are preying on or the anorexic or the feminists type you are preying on my using the cussing you never heard before adulthood, meaning you Africanized and are preying upon the 12 year old retard as a new adult retard since you don't want to be accused of being a bigot yourself but wanted to keep the 900 dollars a month you get from being retarded as the new bigot you are now by throwing up your food when the maternal poetry tries to speak since it does seem to work that way and each time, clean your teeth with 90 percent dark chocolate to heal your teeth and they will be strong and not fall out. Also you can take out your anger by hitting with a metal bat, a metal pole at a park and have your taser next to you to paralyze anyone who doesn't just come up to you to talk as a friendly casual person. Lastly, each time you hit the metal pole that you will hit to hit the brain stem of the person who believes that bigots exist, or to oppress the 12 year old retard, no cop will ever care enough to arrest you because you are not truly hurting a human or animal and you are likely a woman rather than a man being tricked to get themselves arrested. In fact the deranged person you speak of might be even just me, who wrote humanitarian work in the university or rather college for years before I graduated from college and traded by intelligence to be a rich retard homeless because you took away by ability to not but be mentally disabled and unable to have humanitarian thoughts that I had before. P.S. when you use a two-handed downward hit or a backhand hit with your metal bat on the metal pole or tree, the bat is weighted so your arm muscles will stretch and feel good and like yoga but every few hits you must stop because you will have the logically irrational desire to lay flat like a dead person on the ground or dance and jiggle around like a deranged person, but it is temporary and you will regain immediately the strength to continue wacking the wood/metal or you will gather peace from the ritual and stop and feel calm and enjoy sugarless green tea. And when you feel guilty that you're gonna get arrested for investing your money, just be like, "But whenever I hid my money in the ground in a dirt field, I gained the spiritual happiness of a rich person who feels like they won in life because you only wanted the the feeling of happiness to be filling your hours on Earth, and well, since it worked, it worked, and the money you hid in the ground and wrote where you placed them in your private journal you hide, it will be fine that the money will be taken away from you because it's like you bought yourself free happiness points in individual peace so that it won't be a sore loss afterall." I mean people are so crazy these days that why would I have mercy on them when it's like, you know you waste a shit-ton of either water or paint thinner to clean your art brushes when the grey on them makes all but the first stoke a clean stroke that is not kind of brown or grey, so you would not be anti-minalist to think this since, why didn't the person just buy a thousand little lip pencils and use one stroke per pencil after they gathered all 1,000 lip liner brushes with the finest tip to not be a "abstract artist", meaning a bigger brush gives more "accidental art" in the "intention"...

Reply December 4, 2016 - edited

i think most of the responses you'll find on here are from uninformed kids (including you) who blindly follow what the media tells them and don't know the difference between a tax and an audit and still think that trump is a sexist, racist bigot so you're not going to get what you want here

however i have followed trump's agenda for a while now and these are some of the things he proposes:

1. he's against the tpp which threatens to destroy jobs and give more power to global corporations, while your friend clinton called it the gold standard

2. impose term limits on congress which hasn't happened, where 75% of americans support creating term limits on congress

3. repeal common core

4. end healthcare monopolies by implementing a competitive bidding policy

5. fight isis with russia

there are a lot more that i can't think of off the top of my head but in the first week of him being declared the winner russia and the philippines called for an alliance and the dow had the biggest increase in history so there are benefits to trump contrary to what the media is trying to shove down your throat

however i will admit he did go backwards on some of his policies by selecting a goldman sachs executive for a cabinet position which pretty much goes against everything he stood for about antiestablishment but we'll have to see where it goes from here since he isn't actually in office yet (obama is a lame duck as of now) so, like any president in existence, he has major flaws

before any of you angrily respond to me saying dumb stuff like 'but what about the recording!' or 'he hates black people!' please do some moderate research because i'm tired of explaining to people who get their news from facebook and snapchat the unbiased truth

i'm more than happy to discuss trump and his future presidency otherwise

Reply December 4, 2016 - edited

my eyes are bleeding

Reply December 4, 2016 - edited