

okaythen #Warrior Talk

General Warrior

Hero vs Mihile I can't decide which one I want to play to the end. They're both pretty fun. Mihile's bossing move is a lot more aesthetically pleasing than Hero's for me though. Heroes are still fun though, and their rush skill is AMAZING compared to Mihile's one which is total crap. How much stronger is Hero compared to Mihile when all hypers are acquired, all skills are maxed out, etc? I'm a slow leveler so I can't compare the two when they're both at their fullest potential. All I know so far is that Heroes have a lower crit chance than Mihile. Mihile also has like 60% status resist compared to hero's 20%, but heroes do get a hyper skill giving them 100% status resist for a short period of time, so status resist doesn't seem to be a prob

General Warrior

Which warrior should I main I want to main a warrior class alongside my archers. I played all of them so far but I can't seem to decide which of the three I should play. They're all very fun for me but which would benefit me most? Demon Avenger feels the strongest and tankiest. Mihile and Hero are very similar to me, though my hero hits more and gets hurt more easily. I'm considering Mihile not only because it's fun, but it has really nice defence and status resist compared to Hero. I'd like to know what kind of bossing experiences each of these classes have as I don't have the equipment to fight these bosses yet. Or should I just make my 3rd main an I/L? Thank you.

General Warrior

Hero vs Demon Avenger Which one bosses better in both parties and solo? I would say demon avenger is better, however, in my experiences with Magnus, I feel like the i-frames on Magnus and many of the bosses in this game cripple DA's bossing potential, making heroes the more stable and reliable bosser. I'm have very little knowledge on the two classes though, so I'd like your thoughts. Leaning toward Demon Avenger but with the re-release of primes, I think making a sword and going Hero would be a better option. Thank you and sorry for any english errors. I'm not good at this language.

General Warrior

Hero or Dawn Warrior I play both of them but I want to stick with 1 character so I can start funding it a little. I've played both hero and dawn warrior 'til 150. Hero is way stronger than Dawn warrior, but gollux is just TOO hard with Hero. Dawn warrior is good but when I fight the bosses in root abyss, I have trouble spacing from them. I usually use moon dancer which locks me in place when I use it in midair, so I lose all my momentum which results me in getting hit. Both of those things I've said have kind of demotivated me to pump some funds into the classes. But I really want to main one! That is why I ask you guys, which of these two I should main? Which of class of the two will do better in the long run? Sorry for my bad english and

General Warrior

Stay Hero or move to Dawn Warrior? Been playing hero for a while and its poor mobbing is really starting to get to me. I've been considering moving to a dawn warrior because their mobbing is a lot better and the future changes that make most of their buffs into passives, but there are a few things I'd like to know. How much would my bossing capabilities drop from moving to a dawn warrior considering I have low funds (full ra set 70% spell traced)? Also, due to latency, I'll be sticking to one stance mode rather than the equinox thing, so please take that into account. It would also be nice to know how much I'd be losing because of that and which stance is best for certain situations. I've only got a dawn warrior to 120 so my experiences are