
Hit the jackpot with alchemy

Made a 2 line 12% str epic half earring. Pretty happy right now, my old earring was a 3% str one.
Made it with my herbalism mule on fusing 2 half earrings together. Also made a 4% luk lvl 55 earring, which isnt really worth much, but still decent.

So I heard 12% stat is like 1b or so?
Also you guys got any alchemy successes of your own?

July 23, 2011

1 Comment • Newest first


Nice, same thing happened to me only it's 12% dex. And then I also made a 12% int unique one. Trying to sell the 12% dex for 900m atm but might lower it, that's in scania

Reply July 23, 2011