
Good Maplers, Thank You. xD So I'm sitting here, four in the morning, checking e-mails and waiting for my Maple to update, and my girlfriend wakes up just to make me some chocolate chip pancakes from scratch. We've been going out for over nine years, and I'm going to admit, sometimes when I'm driving to class or ending a call we've had on the phone, I do shed a tear or two that I am lucky to be with such an awesome person. I appreciate that she exists each and every day. But my appreciation also goes out to the good Maplers out there who do nice things. I have taken breaks from Maplestory, but whenever I return, there are players who take that time to say Hi and catch up with me. Always. Do they have to do it? Nope. But they do it anyways,

General Thief

Before the Complaining Continues xD Part I of the Bowman Jump! update is out for KMST and of course, the complainers we Sins/Hermits/NLs have still yet to kick off our job are doing their thing, complaining. xD But here's a few details people have to get right: 1. Double Jump is NOT a Flash Jump copy. It's Jag Jump with no Jag. I don't get why there are Hermits/NLs crying over this. Our skill did not get copied, someone else's did. 2. Arrow Drain =/= Drain. They're both similar at first, but they get different multipliers and boosts and whatever. Plus one shoots an arrow and one shoots a Star. Similar, but still different skills. And half the complainers about this are the same guys saying maybe Drain should be removed for a crappy mobber i

General Thief

Real Ninjas? Pfft. xD The thread of "Who's More Ninja?" is a reoccurring one since even longer than I've been on Basil. People all have their opinions on who's more like the old-days ninjas, and that's alright. Polls tend to swing depending on population size (Pre-4th job when CBs were very popular for bosses, they always won the poll because "Assaulter is so ninja!"). But if you ever look into all the facts people put down about real ninjas, they do seem pretty suckish to me. xD But then, there's the thing called a "Super Ninja." Those are the kind we see in movies, video games, and cartoons that break all the restraints that real ninjas have. And the nice thing is all the Thief jobs on Maple can equally share

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