
Should I come back?

I know this is quite a silly question to be asked, but I'm wondering if there's any changes made in Maplestory? I quit last time since everyone was like so obsessive of levels and damages and even if I want to socialize I've to be like one of the "cool kidz" in Henesys. I'm wondering if the meta changed or it's still the same? Thanks.

December 28, 2016

6 Comments • Newest first


My friend got 5th job over the course of a couple days of light play. As for lag and dc issues, he has mild issues with lag and dc. Maybe 1 dc in a couple hour play session. Worst lag was in Event Hall. Unplayable lag there. I have yet to get my char to 200 so I can't comment on my own personal experience with 5th job as of yet. He plays on a laptop. I have had 0 lag or dc issues.

You would probably have to try for yourself to see if you have lag/dc problems.
Both of us play Reboot server if that helps.

It's up to you whether or not you want to come back.
I've been playing for too many years to quit now... xD;;

Reply December 29, 2016

@ecarina: I wasn't talking about here, I'm well aware that Basilmarket has a lot of anti-Nexon threads. In the Basil Discord I just saw many people complaining about the lag and stuff. I tend to ignore the bias of these threads since if you're motivated enough to make a thread about it, it's probably prejudiced in some way. However, when you hear about people dc'ing every 5 minutes in a chat room, you kinda figure that things are still pretty bad.

I wouldn't know anything though, since I haven't yet tried anything out for myself.

Reply December 28, 2016

@helpingly: Well yeah how often do you see Nexon appreciation threads here? People are always going to complain, but in reality this has been one of the smoothest updates to date. Very few major glitches and while yeah it takes a long time to get 5th job, most of that time is just waiting around. It's not like you're hunting monsters for 22 hours.
Like I'm sure as snoot not going to praise Nexon, they're a completely terrible company, but saying stuff like "all I've heard is bad things" isn't really a great thing to go on.
That being said, it is still Maplestory so if you got bored and quit before you'll probably get bored and quit now, it's still an mmo and it still has no real sense of purpose.

Reply December 28, 2016

Yeah, I was thinking about coming back for 5th job, but the only thing I've heard are horror stories about the lag and how long it takes to obtain. I'm not down for that

Reply December 28, 2016

For the first sentence, yes there have been many changes to MapleStory. 5th job and a new UI update just came out alongside other things you may have missed.
For the second sentence, you're still describing the MapleStory of today. Knowing all that, you'll be able to pick back up where you left off.

Reply December 28, 2016 - edited

Still the same stuff..


Reply December 28, 2016 - edited