

Battle mage vs gallax

1.what is the best part to take out (doing hard) are u supposed to kill the mobs and not get instakilled

General question :how do u know when gallax is gunna do reverse controls and u auto die

May 7, 2015

5 Comments • Newest first


kill abs, then start head to make sure u trigger hard mode then leave and kill shoulders, makes it pretty easy that way since he can barely use any skills just basic dodging after that

Reply May 15, 2015

[quote=TaintedZero]Gollux uses the reverse bomb shortly after you kill the jaw, within 3 seconds or so, it then has a 20s cooldown between uses. To deal with the mobs, stick to the portal that teleports you up from the jaw. Gollux will use his fist after every pair of attacks which is pretty slow, so use this chance to teleport down, clear the mobs, and teleport back up.[/quote]
Completely off topic, but i love your look.

OT: That reverse bomb thing is killer, im pretty sure it does 99% dmg so if youre not at full HP u will die, i have 20kish hp and i usually get knocked down to 130 or so if it hits me. So, make sure you have full HP when u kill the jaw.

As above guy said, killing the abs makes it so much easier. My BaM friend just teles down and clears the bottom with tele casting attack thing you guys have and back up the safe area at the edges of the platform, though that might not be efficient for you (or others really).

Reply May 9, 2015

ur reaper helps out alot at grillex so make sure its out. also if you dun trust in tha reaper u gon have to take off yer battle rage.

U just need control bro. also what the other guys said about what part to kill first.

Reply May 9, 2015

Gollux uses the reverse bomb shortly after you kill the jaw, within 3 seconds or so, it then has a 20s cooldown between uses. To deal with the mobs, stick to the portal that teleports you up from the jaw. Gollux will use his fist after every pair of attacks which is pretty slow, so use this chance to teleport down, clear the mobs, and teleport back up.

Reply May 9, 2015

Its Gollux not gallax
best part to take out is abdomen for hard gollux
if you kill abdomen gollux cant use the revese controll you mention.
check hellux solo videos if you want to see the diff between gollux breaths( the one that reverse and 1hko is basicly bight purple ~ pink )
and about killing mobs just keep doing it try to watch the timing of mobs summon, and go down kill them and go up again, i go down and kill mobs quick right after he use the 1hko hit

Reply May 7, 2015