

Best hyper skills for Bucc

Hello Bucc community! I'm just curious on what would be the best hyper skills for bucc. Since before RED we had a couple of junk hyper skills for spiral assault, but now we got hyper skills for double down and that's kinda throwing me off for what to put my 5 points into for my advanced skills. Thanks
The stuff I put my 5 points into atm:
Double Down: addition, Octopunch: Reinforce(20% dmg one not boss), Bucc blast 20% dmg and extra strike, and octopunch extra strike.
I'm also curious about how octopunch reinforce and octopunch boss rush compare. Is it best to put my point into 20% dmg or 20% boss?
Thanks once again guys!

January 12, 2014

5 Comments • Newest first


I ended up putting maxing out 3 on octopunch and 20% dmg bucc blast and +1 bucc blast. I don't think i'd be using saving grace that often.
Thanks for your advive fellow buccs

Reply January 12, 2014

Really depends on what you do with your Bucc.
Train a lot: Forget about 20% boss on Octopunch and put the last point into One More Chance.
Boss a lot: Take the point out of Buccaneer Blast Reinforce, put a point in Octopunch 20% boss and One More Chance.

Reply January 12, 2014

I'm on the fork on saving grace because of how it sounds and what the description has. That's the thing holding me back from putting 20% boss dmg onto octopunch.

Reply January 12, 2014

Currently I have
-all 3 for octopunch
-extra strike for bucc blast
-saving grace for double down

However, I have been considering changing saving grace for reinforcement (20% damage on bucc blast)
Haven't seen saving grace in action yet, making this hyper extremely useless in my opinion. Maybe someone can shine some light on this topic.

Reply January 12, 2014

You don't need double down addition, bucc has typhoon crush. I got all of octopunch, bucc blast extra strike and reinforcement. If you're going to get a double down hyper, only get saving grace. I didn't get it cause I have 100% crit on my bucc, making 2->4 dice pretty meh. L>100% cooldown cutter for double down plis.

Reply January 12, 2014