

General Bowman

Your favorite archer class and why? I was thinking about maining an archer as my new main, and so far I think Mercedes are the most fun, but the spamming of the messages saying things like, "You are not high enough to use this skill." are really, really annoying. >.< What are the pros and cons of all of the archer classes? I want to know more about them before I start funding my Mercedes. Also, are Mercedes generally good for mobbing/farming? How are they in bossing? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. :)

General Mage

Good shields for mages and how to get them? Hello, I never really had any mage shields on my characters because of the different secondaries you can get for each of them, but people have been telling me that shields are better than secondaries because you can scroll/enhance them. The best shield I have right now is the 3rd unwelcome guest magician shield. :3 I can't really find good higher level mage shields in the FM, so I don't know where else to get one. o.o Do people make their own shields? I never see any mage shields in the FM. :~(

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