

renexz #Xenon Talk

General Xenon

How to level up and fund my Xenon correctly? I started playing GMS almost now, maybe a few days ago and I'm no familiarized with GMS, cause in EMS things are different (and outdated). So I want a little help here :D I wanna know Where the best places to train (I looked for some videos but I think you guys will know better places :D ) and what's the best equipment that I NEED to have, cause in EMS, the end game gears are like faf and tylent, no gollux and sw :') so, if you guys could show me some light, it would be apreciated :) And one more thing: I don't plan to buy NX now, cause I'm brazilian and 1 USD are like 4 BRL, so 5k NX = 30 BRL :( so, do you guys know some gears that has good stats without cubing? Sorry for bad english :D Thanks f