
Hot Time scroll service viable still?

Old player here, and just peeking in MS to see if its still fun to me. I'm broke af right now, so I need money and i remembered having a bunch of hot time scrolls and was wondering
if those are still viable for selling. Viable meaning people would be willing to buy it and it is worth selling. Off the top of my head, I got

50% CoG
50% 5* EE with 50% boom rate? ( i dont remember about the boom rate exactly)
100% or 80% epic pot scrolls ( think its 100%)
100% golden stamp ( the one that adds 1 line of bonus pot)
100% innocence?

Then if the storage glitch still works ( expired items in storage work for a couple secs after being withdrawn) then I can offer
50% unique pot
protection scroll
shield scroll

Just wondeirng if there is a market for this type of thing basically. Thanks for the help!

December 3, 2014

2 Comments • Newest first


il take the goodness if you wanna sell cheap ;p

Reply December 3, 2014

50% unique pot, protection scroll, shield scroll will sell for heaps

Reply December 3, 2014