

rixworkwix #Site Talk

General Site

would basil introduce a rep system? Instead of the feedback system which needs you to trade to be able to do things such as post links. Since most people don't sell items anymore on this site its pretty difficult. A rep system that people can upvote a person and other people can see it and take note this person is a good poster and with low reps it shows this poster is either a troll or highly disliked? More reps would give you the ability to do different things. ( different emoticons, renowned as a good poster, able to post links,more freedom) I use a different forum that follows this system and its almost never abused and good posts come out of it. Feel free to oppose this opinion. I think it would be nice

General Site

Mods hurt this site not a complaining thread just a informing thread. i understand that open forums need mods. without them we would have annoyed each other a long time ago and would have killed basil. look what we did when we were given the power to show gifs for that 1 day. i do think that mods on this site are too strict and i know many people think that. most people on basil have been on basil for years and are either high teens or in thier 20s by now. why treat us like we are 12? not saying all mods are bad (i think there are only 3, i dunno) i actually really enjoy the one that is always on the anime section of basil. just saying you shut down threads, suspend/ delete people because you find them annoying. not because the site finds t