

My dagger and katara?

I have noob amount of mesos and I'm wondering how long I should keep my dagger and katara before trading them in

[b]Dragon Dagger[/b]: Dex +3, Luk +5, W.Atk +97; Rare, Critical 4%, Avoid 3%, W.Atk +4; Enhanced twiced & u/h

[b]Maple Cleat Katara[/b]: Luk +4, W.Atk +51, [i]Slots[/i] 2; Epic, Luk 4%, Dex 2%

My friend gave me the dagger and the katara was 2 mill clean with the pot

December 1, 2011

1 Comment • Newest first


I just have no mesos to buy better stuff. Just 999k
Unless I could get a price check on them

Reply December 1, 2011