
stat vs att

just wondering which is better between:
437 main stat 220 2nd stat + 9att
262 main stat 270 2nd stat + 64att
530 main stat 530 2nd stat + 6att

the first is +7 trace outcome, the 2nd is my icog scrolling outcome, third is prime scrolling outcome.
any ideas which would give more range? (rough estimate without accounting values)

July 7, 2015

9 Comments • Newest first


@betaboi101: for 3. you can't set your stats and thus should work with what you currently have (base stat:base atk ratio). my initial point was that "mix them!" as the 100% answer isn't completely accurate. I did concede most are near the point but as I said, you need to specify how to mix if you want maximum benefit (and not everyone is at that point, yet). and again %Stat can only be compared to %atk (and %Boss/%Total if one wanted to). but that's trivial since for pretty much 100% of the maple population has a %Stat:%Atk ratio larger than 1:1 and thus %Atk is always what you go for (not even factoring limited space for %Atk) since the two always come in equal sizes (where +Stat is always larger gains usually than +atk)

Reply July 7, 2015


1. You are right in that int and % magic attack have the same effect given the same amount is applied ie 100% to 100%

2. You do bring up a good point in that % stat doesn't necessarily impact the effectiveness of base stats

3. Though I agree with your first point, you do have to take into consideration that there is and will always be a threshold that will make one of the two more optimal and comparing the two is like comparing apples to oranges. You can't set both stats equal as realistically a player has way more % stats as well as base stats added than % att and base att added.

You also basically said that "you want to mix Main stat and atk" .

Reply July 7, 2015 - edited

@betaboi101: %stat or %Atk is irrelevant to how effective +Atk or +Stat is. hence why I mentioned BASE before.
if someone had 100 matk from equips and skills and no %Matk, getting 3 more matk brings them to 103 matk. that's thus a 3% gain (103/100).
if someone also had 100 matk from equips and skills but had 100% matk, they currently have 200 matk. you can argue that because they have 100% matk, gaining another 3 matk actually means they'll get 6 matk total and be worth more? no, since that'll just bring them from 200 matk to 206 which is still only a 3% increase (206/200). even if you had 1000% Matk, that's 1000 -> 1030, 3% increase in dmg output (1030/1000). %Matk is irrelevant.

if you still don't believe that %Matk is irrelevant, then how about this. %Matk and %INT have the exact same effect. let's say you had 1000 INT, 0 LUK, 100 Matk, 0% INT, 0% Matk for simplicity. your range is this 1.2*(4*1000+0)(100/100) = 4800
with 100% matk, your new range is 9600. gain +10 more matk (20 matk total, bringing you from 200 matk to 220 matk), you are now at 10560 range
with 100% INT instead, your new range is still 9600. gain +10 matk, bringing your matk from 100 to 110, your new range is still 10560 range. so are you going to say the more %INT you have, the more +Matk will help you? relative increase in range (%) is important, not absolute increase (+1000. is that a lot or a little? depends on your current range)

and as mentioned, it depends on your ratio so your example (as oversimplified as it is), definitely crossed over that ratio threshold at some pt, and THAT'S why you want to mix. if you had 4000 Base main stat and 1000 Base atk, that's 4:1, so as long as the scroll giving +Stat gives more than 4 for every atk a different scroll would give, then ALWAYS go for the +Stat this example, if the scroll was giving 5 Main stat per 1 atk the other scroll was giving, that person would ALWAYS go for +stat until he reached 5000, where the ratio would then be 5:1, so the 2 scrolls are worth the same.

another way to look at this then. you want to mix Main stat and atk. but how much of each? there's gotta be an ideal amount of each, no? as I mentioned before, you always pick one over the other until your Stat:Atk ratio matches that of the scrolls and THEN you'll mix. your ratio does not vary as much as you're making it out to be, too. however, most people [i]are[/i] probably near the scrolls' ratio so they should mix to an extent but as I said, there's a definite answer of which you should get first and/or more of that simply saying "mix them" doesn't give you

Reply July 7, 2015 - edited


As you have mentioned, it changes based on the circumstance of new updates/ ones equips/ buffs and nerfs/ ect. If Nexin decides to add 20 %Att to your class, you may want more added attack to make use of that buff. You will also want high stats as your range will be driven up with so as well. If Nexin decides to nerf your class months later and reduce the %Att buff, maybe stats would benefit you a bit more. The ratio constantly varies and new content always seems to impact which of the two may be better as well. The safe surefire way of being prepared for such updates would be to have a lot of each or in other words, a mixture of high attack and stat equips.

Again, Nexin is a money leeching type of game and chaos scrolling for high attack and prime scrolling with cs scrolls is ridiculously expensive. It's much more cost effective to go with premade stuff based on what you find on the market if you don't have to go out of your way and spend hundreds of dollars per equip. If you find some good already high attack equips, don't pass on them to self prime. Likewise, if you find some nice traced or primed equips, go for those instead of worrying about self made attack equips. There's not much of a point to obsess about having everything primed or having 30-50+ attack per equip because in the end, too much of one has a marginal return and you will be at near the same range at the end of the day with a mixture that you would have been if you only chose one or the other (mind you, there will also be a lot more money in your wallet <3).

* remember, the basic ratio is: multiplier (stats *4 + secondary stats) * weapon attack /100. Since stats is multiplied by weapon attack, you want to maximize each to benefit the most.

IE: say you are deciding whether to prime or go for att equips. Say you have 10k main stat without primed stuff. With primed stuff and your potentials factored in, say you would have 15k stats. If you opted to go for weapon attack, say you would gain 500 weapon attack and assuming you had around 50% wep att from your weapon/ secondary/ bonus pots/ emblem it would amount to 750att. Also, since icogs add some stats, say you gained around an additional 800 stats. You have 2000 secondary stats and 3500 with primes factored in. With cogs, you'd gain about say 300 secondary stats. Say your attack is 2000. Now assuming the figures mentioned above:

(15,000 *4 + 3500 ) *2000/100 = 1.27 mil (without the multiplier)


(10,800 *4 + 2300) * 2750/ 100 = 1.25mil (without the multiplier)

As you see from the example above, the stats added give a relatively close range.

Reply July 7, 2015 - edited

[quote=betaboi101]You need a lot of each. Having too much att or stats and not enough of the other has a marginal return. To beat Nexin which wants dumb dumbs to waste money on priming everything or chaosing with those cs reset scrolls until they get huge att boosts, go for in between options where you use some high attack stuff but also use some high stat adding stuff . It is much cheaper not priming everything and not using cs reset scrolls given you just go for premade stuff/ traces.

The more you know <3[/quote]

not quite. ofc if there's no competition for "space" between the two, always getting more of both is best. if you must decide between the two, there's always a definite answer. it just varies and can thus change when circumstances change. if a person's base Main stat: base atk ratio is 5:1, as long as they are gaining more than 5 main stat per atk given up, main stat will always be the answer. when this ratio slowly shifts and now the gain is less than the described ratio, then atk is always the answer (until ratio is lower again ofc).

so the only time one would want to mix is if the best scrolling options match your current ratio. otherwise, you want to go all out on one until your ratio reaches this pt.

Reply July 7, 2015 - edited

Primes are the best scrolls. Unless you gain a large amount of main stat + attack from ICOG/COGs. In your three cases the prime outcome is far better.

This is end game. The marginal returns of them change over time as you increase things such as %stat/%attack/etc.

Reply July 7, 2015 - edited

The difference is tiny unless you start getting in to the really high ranges, where differences will start to stick out more and more and more.

Reply July 7, 2015 - edited

You need a lot of each. Having too much att or stats and not enough of the other has a marginal return. To beat Nexin which wants dumb dumbs to waste money on priming everything or chaosing with those cs reset scrolls until they get huge att boosts, go for in between options where you use some high attack stuff but also use some high stat adding stuff . It is much cheaper not priming everything and not using cs reset scrolls given you just go for premade stuff/ traces.

The more you know <3

Reply July 7, 2015 - edited

Give it a try [url=]here.[/url]
Range is accurate, damage still under testing. If you want to help out you [url=]can.[/url]

Reply July 7, 2015 - edited