

Can we make an updated Aran guide or is it necissary?

Hey, everyone!

So, with the new updates, it seems that my old Aran has had his skills completely reset. I am not sure what I should do with a build for him, so I was hoping to ask Basil what should be done for skills for the most recent iteration of the class.

Simply put, should we follow the guides already present to us (and just switch out the replaced skills) or is a new build required? If a new build is required, what would be the most beneficial build throughout the job paths?

Let's bang out a quick guide if the need be...

October 21, 2013

9 Comments • Newest first


maybe check ayumilove?

Reply October 22, 2013

FB>OS when the enemy has 50% or more def well at lest when FB is used with the key. Either way that 30 att and chance at some extra damage is better.

Reply October 22, 2013

I would personally put Advanced Final Attack before maxing Final Blow personally, being that OS is better than fb in every way, and fb is only really useful with BB imo. The extra 30 attack from AFA is immensely helpful.

Reply October 22, 2013

I have 61 SP at lvl 201 somethings off on your guide.

Reply October 22, 2013

@SilverFoxR: Here's my opinion on the latest Aran update.

1st Job: Max everything except PA Booster (leave it at 19)
2nd Job: Max everything except Body Pressure (leave it at 0)
3rd Job: Max everything except Rolling Spin (leave it at 11 or 14, I forget which.)
4th Job: 1 Overswing, 1 Final Blow, 1 Sudden Strike, 1 Combo Tempest (Tempest is finally useful now), Max High Mastery, Max Overswing, Max Final Blow, Max Boss Reverse Combo, Max Combo Tempest, Max Advanced Final Attack, Max Sudden Strike.
Then max Maple Warrior if you're decent on funding or High Defense/Combo Barrier if you're not(order doesn't really matter, but imo High Defense is a better choice as it provides +20% HP while Combo Barrier's only edge is a measly -5% damage reduction and other insignificant defense boosts). After that max all other skills in previous jobs and you'll have 36 extra SP by Level 200.

Hyper skills should be self-explanatory.
You're welcome.

Reply October 22, 2013 - edited

It'd be great if you did.
Also, it'd be helpful if you listed the bosses that drops the skill books, attack combinations, etc..

Reply October 21, 2013 - edited

[quote=LordyGaga]You have such good grammar...and yet "necessary" is misspelled in the title.[/quote]

lol wasn't entirely awake when I wrote the title XD

Reply October 21, 2013 - edited

You have such good grammar...and yet "necessary" is misspelled in the title.

Reply October 21, 2013 - edited

I'd say that the build probably should change a bit, but, we probably don't need an entire guide. If I could get on Maple, I'd give a level by level guide, but sadly, I can't.

Reply October 21, 2013 - edited