

Some guy is d/c locking me

Some guy named NajSkiiA07 (number varies) keeps on spamming me in expedition chat. There's only 2 people in the expedition (me and my friend). Does anyone know this guy?
Edit: DenizerA1 (number varies) is also d/c locking me.

August 3, 2014

5 Comments • Newest first


Must suck during 2x

Reply August 3, 2014

OMFG me too! I thought I was alone! How is he spamming multiple people omg wait maybe he stopped spamming me... anyways look [url=]here[/url] are a fraction of the spamming accounts. Good luck we can get through this together friend...

EDIT: Nope still spamming me. I'll edit that link later too..

Reply August 3, 2014 - edited

Get me his Skype Username and I'll shut him down permanently.

Reply August 3, 2014 - edited

Well, he has like 50+ characters and I have already sent a ticket

Reply August 3, 2014 - edited

report him

Reply August 3, 2014 - edited