

KMST ver. 1.2.053 New 5th Job Skills

##KMS 1.2.280

All Jobs
[Erda Shower]: Shoot out condensed Erda to attack enemies. (master level: 25)
- Level 1: Consumes 3000 HP. Deals 465% damage 6 times on up to 15 enemies. After being used, absorb some Erda and decrease Erda Shower's cooldown by 1 second for every monster hit. Cooldown: 45 seconds.
- Level 25: Consumes 3000 HP. Deals 825% damage 6 times on up to 15 enemies. After being used, absorb some Erda and decrease Erda Shower's cooldown by 1 second for every monster hit. Cooldown: 45 seconds.

Slightly nerfed in raw damage, slightly increased cooldown, but they removed the requirement for needing to hit enemies that were initially hit by Erda Shower to reduce cooldown, so that's an overall plus.

All Archers
[Critical Reinforce]: When hitting a fatal shot, find your enemies' weaknesses and inflict even more damage. (master level: 25)
- Level 1: Consumes 500 MP. For 30 seconds, your critical rate can exceed 100%, and your critical damage will be increased by 21% of your critical rate. Attacking skills will not be affected by the additional critical rate. Cooldown: 120 seconds.
- Level 25: Consumes 500 MP. For 30 seconds, your critical rate can exceed 100%, and your critical damage will be increased by 45% of your critical rate. Attacking skills will not be affected by the additional critical rate. Cooldown: 120 seconds.

Critical Rate conversion to Critical Damage decreased by 10%, and cooldown increased by 25 seconds. Still a great skill.

##KMST 1.2.053

All Jobs
[Erda Shower]: Shoot out condensed Erda to attack enemies. (master level: 25)
- Level 1: Consumes 3000 HP. Deals 468% damage 6 times on up to 15 enemies. After being used, every time you attack an enemy that has absorbed the Erda from this skill, Erda Shower's cooldown will be decreased by 1 second. Cooldown: 40 seconds.
- Level 25: Consumes 3000 HP. Deals 900% damage 6 times on up to 15 enemies. After being used, every time you attack an enemy that has absorbed the Erda from this skill, Erda Shower's cooldown will be decreased by 1 second. Cooldown: 40 seconds.

Looks like rapid fire classes such as Bowmaster will be able to utilize this skill pretty frequently...

All Archers
[Critical Reinforce]: When hitting a fatal shot, find your enemies' weaknesses and inflict even more damage. (master level: 25)
- Level 1: Consumes 500 MP. For 30 seconds, your critical rate can exceed 100%, and your critical damage will be increased by 31% of your critical rate. Cooldown: 119 seconds.
- Level 25: Consumes 500 MP. For 30 seconds, your critical rate can exceed 100%, and your critical damage will be increased by 55% of your critical rate. Cooldown: 95 seconds.

Guess it's time for maxing Critical Rate to the best that we can - such as putting all available Hyper Stat SP into Critical Rate and filling out the Critical Rate section of the Legion Grid.

Miscellaneous stuff:

- The required time to complete the 5th job advancement has been decreased.
- When you use [Nodestones], you will now only receive V [Nodes] that you can equip.
- The experience required to level up V [Nodes] has been adjusted.
- Arcane Symbols' maximum level has been increased.
- The Buff Freezer will now apply to certain 5th job skills that it did not apply to before. (Arrow Rain is listed, but it already applies...?)

Cadena's Link Skill:

[Intensive Insult]: Attacks against enemies weaker than you will become more effective. (Link Skill)
- Level 1: When attacking enemies whose levels are lower than your character's, your damage is increased by 3%. When attacking enemies inflicted with status conditions, your damage is increased by 3%.
- Level 2: When attacking enemies whose levels are lower than your character's, your damage is increased by 6%. When attacking enemies inflicted with status conditions, your damage is increased by 6%.

Binding Shot would be nice with this.

July 13, 2017

7 Comments • Newest first


@twopointonefour: I would say for sure. If you had 150% Critical Rate for example, and you gained 5% Critical Rate from the Sharp Eyes Hyper, you'd gain about 2% Critical Damage.

I've been using the Critical Rate Hyper either way; 5% Ignore Defense is hardly anything.

Reply July 30, 2017

Would you say 5% ignore defense on sharp eyes hypers would be worse than 5% critical with the new 5th common?

Reply July 29, 2017

In that case it's definitely worth when I use Gust to clear the mobs around me.

I wonder how much damage the common skill can amplify.

Reply July 29, 2017

[Erda Shower]: damage has been decreased from 900% to 825%, cooldown increased from 40 sec to 45 sec. Requirement to hit affected enemies to reduce cooldown has been removed, now you can just hit any monster to reduce cooldown.

Slightly nerfed in raw damage, slightly increased cooldown, but they removed the requirement for needing to hit enemies that were initially hit by Erda Shower to reduce cooldown, so that's an overall plus.

[Critical Reinforce]: conversion rate has been decreased from 55% to 45%, cooldown has been increased from 95 sec to 120 sec.

Still a great skill.

@above: Apparently on Insoya there were tests done, and it does in fact work with Binding Shot, as well as Gritty Gust's DoT.

Reply July 20, 2017 - edited

The new bowman job common is really good but we'll be stacked with crit damage already.I think compared to other jobs ours is isn't really conditional. What I mean is warrior common is best if you don't want to knocked back at all. Mages as a safe way of taking damage. Thieves have to be more glass cannon to gain their final damage. Pirates gain more attack but lose some during it's cool down. It also gives us some way of making up for having too much critical rate.

The all job common seems like if you need a quick AOE. I know for bowmasters I use gusty wind a lot to clear the mobs in lotus. But I assume it's just on the back burner since it's just a nice to have skill and not a necessary skill to have. For training it could be nice but personally I think it's a nuisance even outside of bowmasters.

The link skill seems like it's good when you're a high level. Even for mules the link isn't all that useful sometimes but it's nice. Along with Kanna and DA the dmg% . From the Cadena update, it looks as though the status condition part of the skill won't work with bind shot. For this skill it has to stun, blind, freeze, or bind. Maybe it's good if say you have a party that can apply these status conditions.

Reply July 20, 2017 - edited

Don't know if I should really drop anything for the new link. I'll probably just use it on mules I'm leveling up.

New all job common doesn't seem very special.

They keep adding new good common's for archers, I guess I have to get to 240.

Reply July 19, 2017 - edited